3 in 3 for February 9, 2024

By: Steve Huston

When I was a child, no one could imagine that a Christian living in America would ever suffer intense persecution. The rest of the world – yes, but not in our beloved United States of America. After all, we were birthed, in part, to ensure the freedom of religion. However, with this week’s Decency Minutes, it’s not hard to see that our nation is in trouble culturally, nationally, and spiritually. It’s getting easier to imagine how affliction and persecution will, barring the Hand of God, come upon we Christian citizens of America. Though no one longs for persecution, it’s vital that we don’t treat it as some strange “fiery trial” (1 Pet. 4:12). Instead, let us view such affliction as Paul did in Philippians 1:29. “For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but to suffer for his sake.

Puritan Thomas Brooks helps us to see affliction as God would have us view it. “The ways of the Lord are afflicted, perplexed, and persecuted ways. ‘For the gate is narrow’ (Matt. 7:14)—the word means afflicted—the way is made narrow by afflictions, troubles and persecutions. The ways of God are soul-strengthening ways. They confirm the upright in heart, and make the upright strong: strong to withstand temptations, strong to conquer corruptions, strong to rejoice under afflictions, strong to perform the most heavenly duties, and strong to improve the most spiritual mercies.”

Please read the following Decency Minute scripts or listen to Bill Johnson narrate them by clicking on the link with Brooks’ view of affliction in mind. Might that move you to pray in two ways. 1. For God to have His way in these worsening situations presented and 2. That God will strengthen and begin preparing you now and uphold you through those afflictions and persecutions which, as a Christian, you will likely endure.

By our prayers and our lives, may God be glorified!

What Does Amazon Think of You?

 A few weeks ago, Amazon announced their new exclusive animated show, Hazbin Hotel, which plays off an alternate tradition of the garden of Eden where Adam’s first wife, Lilith, runs off with Satan. In Amazon’s telling, Satan, Lilith, and their daughter are oppressed and the angels of Heaven are the oppressors.

It’s interesting to contrast what ideas Amazon is willing to promote, with the ideas that they willingly suppress.

Congressman Jim Jordan broke this story on X last week: “internal docs subpoenaed by the House Judiciary Committee & the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government indicate that Amazon bowed down to Biden White House pressure to censor BOOKS.”

Specifically, these were books which shared evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines were not effective.

Amazon is more than willing to promote and create Satanic material, meanwhile they willingly enforce government propaganda.

Christian, what do you think Amazon thinks of you?

We published an article on “Hazbin Hotel” last week here.


Taking Every Step Possible to Protect Election Integrity

Our electoral process is only one of the guarantees that citizens of the United States can play a role in their self-governance. When that major role is jeopardized by America’s enemies, either foreign or domestic, it’s an attack on the ideal of American government and, particularly, upon her citizens.

When elections are influenced by foreign elements, it’s not surprising. But when domestic players within the populace, government, or businesses – like social media platforms – play an active role in election tampering, it’s traitorous. Righteous indignation should well up in each of us over such a prospect and we should demand justice regarding these enemies of liberty.

Even if justice isn’t served in this lifetime, we know it will be meted out in eternity. In the meantime, we must take every step possible to protect election integrity.

www.letsfixstuff.com is a good place to start.

Earlier this week, we published an extensive article on this subject.


This Border Bill is a Betrayal

While illegal immigrants beat up cops, and New York is set to hand out one thousand dollars a month to illegals – which is more than what Americans on food stamps receive – Democrats and RINOs are pushing a so-called border security bill that Senator Mike Lee describes as, “a betrayal of the American people.”

The bill would allow 4,999 illegal immigrants to enter the country every day – nearly 2 million a year – with no consequences.  The bill would only temporarily close the border if the flood of illegals exceeds an average of 5,000 a day.  And even then, the border closure can be suspended at the whim of the president.  In addition, unaccompanied children aren’t counted in the 5,000 which makes it a magnet for increased child trafficking.

This bill won’t secure the border; it codifies illegal immigration – hamstringing future presidents from stopping the flow.

Earlier this week we published an article on this topic.

A Christian must not expect two heavens; it is enough if he possesses one. We must not travel to heaven through a bed of roses. It is not much though we go to heaven in a fiery chariot, having afflictions and calamities our companions all along the way.” ~ Andrew Gray

“Even in the greatest afflictions, we ought to testify to God, that, in receiving them from his hand, we feel pleasure in the midst of the pain, from being afflicted by Him who loves us, and whom we love.” ~ John Wesley


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