By: American Decency Staff




Speakers:  Dr. Christina Parks & Tammy Clark (June 2021)

Many commented that they were amazed as they learned of the governmental deception, the way in which regulatory agencies broke their own laws/rules, and the more effective ways that the virus could have been dealt with instead of destroying our economy, destroying our children, and destroying the rule of Constitutional law that has served us well for over two centuries. Gratitude was expressed by nearly everyone as they exited the event. We would like to take a moment to echo that same gratitude: first of all to God who allowed us to put this event in place, and secondly to those presenters who boldly declared the truth they knew—to Tammy Clark of Stand Up Michigan and to Dr. Christina Parks who coordinates with Michigan for Vaccine Choice.

This well-attended event struck a nerve in varying age groups. Teen-agers, young adults, parents, and grand-parents showed concern by showing up, listening, and taking part in a question and answer period. It seemed that they realized what both Tammy Clark and Dr. Parks alluded to; this is a spiritual battle.

In 1984, Francis Schaeffer wasn’t referring specifically to coronavirus, mandates or vaccines; but he does hit the essence of what the battle we face today is regarding the virus, the way it’s being politicized, monopolized, and weaponized (against our freedoms and constitutionally protected rights). He wrote, “Make no mistake. We as Bible-believing evangelical Christians are locked in a battle. This is not a friendly gentleman’s discussion. It is a life and death conflict between the spiritual hosts of wickedness and those who claim the name of Christ. It is a conflict on the level of ideas between two fundamentally opposed views of truth and reality. It is a conflict on the level of actions between a complete moral perversion and chaos and God’s absolutes. But do we really believe that we are in a life and death battle?

Whether one views the topics hit in this event as physical attacks, spiritual attacks, or political attacks the presenters gave sound advice: be informed, stand up, and keep speaking the truth. For many, myself included, it was a day of information overload and having our emotions stretched to vast and varying degrees.

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