FILM: What Is a Doctor? – THIS Thursday

By: Steve Huston

For a great 7-minute introduction to the What Is a Doctor? film that we’re showing THIS Thursday at 2 PM click here.

It seems that “the greatest hoax perpetuated upon America and its citizens” is a phrase that’s been over-used. At the same time, perhaps there are actually that many events/political agendas that are being used to “pull the wool over the eyes” of the American public. As people step away from the Light of Truth, being God and His Word, and as they become ignorant of the importance of their rights afforded them by our Constitution, thereby allowing those rights to be withheld from them by any branch of an overreaching government, then that people are easily led astray and away like the children of Hamelin by the Pied-Piper.

Truth, salt, and light are what’s needed to open our eyes. It may be too late to correct some damages that are already done, but we can choose to keep our eyes open and focused on the Truth and to hold on to our constitutional rights to protect us from further damages. Regardless of what is told to us by “the Right” or “the Left,” we need to always compare it with the Truth and by the Law of our Land if America is to ever be “Great” or “Godly” again.

That’s why we at American Decency have events which feature truth-tellers like Phil Haney, Frank Gaffney, Pam Stenzel, Jay Jusino, to name but a few. It’s also the reason we are showing the new film What Is a Doctor? by America’s Frontline Doctors. Join us!


When: Thursday, December 12 at 2 pm

Where: American Decency Building (203 E. Main St.)

Part of the reason we’ve allowed deception to, for all practical purposes, rule over us is that we’ve allowed ourselves to, by and large, be silent when it comes to the topic of sin. Why? Perhaps because it’s uncomfortable and very often not well received – particularly nowadays, when it comes to sexuality and gender.

When it comes to “transgenderism,” particularly in regards to youth, why are we threatened to not speak out against the state’s position; why are doctors who do speak out deplatformed and punished in other ways? Why is it that all of a sudden children and young adults are thinking that they’ve been born in the wrong body, as if God, after thousands and thousands of years, got confused and began making mistakes – PERISH THE THOUGHT!

Understand, there’s a political agenda that is engulfing our schools, doctors, large swathes of “churches,” and social media in an attempt to swallow up our children and young adults. This agenda regarding youth “gender dysphoria” attacks our young people, falsely promising to fix an often-temporary psychological disorder with a physiological solution with often permanent affects. These young people are not able to truly give informed consent because they cannot really comprehend what is happening and what the final results entail. It’s also an attack on God, who created us male and female in His own image.

What Is a Doctor? deals with the medical aspects of truth and “transgenderism,” but let’s take a moment to look at it from a spiritual point of view. Our young people cannot afford our silence; it is so very important that we see the hurt behind the façade, that we show the compassion of Christ by speaking truth lovingly, and that we are informed with the societal and political facts that have brought this nation and our children to where they are.

Whatever masking these drugs and surgeries may provide, they will never bring about the change and satisfaction promised. We need to speak reality into the lives of those around us. We need to love them enough to NOT go along with their deceived mind. We need to care enough to say, “If you are born male, every cell in your body will continue to shout out, ‘I’m a man!’ no matter how well it may be hid. Regardless of how you may try to convince yourself, reality does not go away.” We don’t discount their feelings, but we do compassionately speak truth into their lives – regardless of what sin is trying to overtake them.

If we are Christians, then at the very least let us speak truth into these hurting “gender dysphoric” souls, addressing them according to their God-ordained pronouns and birth-given names – not apologetically or angrily, but compassionately. Many of you are likely familiar with Jesus’ parable of the “Good Samaritan” in Luke 10:25-37. These youth have been hijacked by “robbers” with an agenda; left beaten by politicized counsellors, doctors, and social media; and stripped of the dignity of who God made them to be. They are “left for dead” by such “robbers” who care nothing for them or who are themselves deceived. Let us bring the balm of truth to heal their wounds and be willing to “pay” for whatever such actions may bring.

Any sin beats, robs, and leaves its victim for dead. Let us have compassion enough to bring the balm of truth into the lives of those around us – friend or stranger. F.B. Meyer exhorts us, “Make no distinction of race or creed; but wherever you come across a man who has been stripped, beaten, robbed, and is half-dead, don’t wait for other men to succor him, but bind up his wounds; minister to him, and treat him as though you loved him with the natural love of brotherhood.”

We urge you to join us AND to bring as many people as possible with you. Please, tell your friends, family, and church to come to the American Decency building (203 E. Main St. Fremont, MI) THIS THURSDAY, December 12, at 2 PM for this critically important movie that sheds light on “one of the greatest hoaxes perpetuated on American today.”

To watch an excellent interview with Frank Gaffney and American Frontline Doctor Dr. Simone Gold click here. (First 20 minutes)

To watch an interview of a man who just finished his detransition after living “successfully as a woman for thirty-years” and speaks into this topic spiritually with suggestions of how to talk with others who are still deceived click here.


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