3 in 3 for 12-6-24

By: Steve Huston

In discussing our Decency Minutes narrated by Bill Johnson this week, I want to draw your attention to the fact that we are to be lights and ambassadors in this dark world (2 Cor. 5). God has blessed us with a sphere of influence that is specific to each one of us. There are people that we can reach that no one else reaches quite like we do.

Related to this fact, I would specifically draw your attention to our first Decency Minute script and invite you to join us on Thursday, December 12 at 2:00 pm at the American Decency headquarters, (203 E. Main St., Fremont, MI), as we show a very important documentary film What Is a Doctor?. It deals specifically with a psychological disorder that is being dealt with physiologically, which, directly or indirectly, affects every family in America to some extent or another: youth gender dysphoria (“transgenderism”).

I know it’s easier to just sit in silence, not addressing this fallacy. After all, it’s Christmas, but it is so very important that we see the hurt behind the façade, that we show the compassion of Christ by speaking truth lovingly, and that we are informed with the societal and political facts that have brought this nation and our children to where they are. This is a film that helps us come to that understanding. It’s really only a first step.

I’ll finish this conversation at the end of these Decency Minute scripts; please recognize that each of them has something for us to share with our special circle of influence. Each of them has a light of truth that needs to shine in this dark world.

What is a Doctor? Come Find Out This Thursday

What is a doctor?

That seems like a simple question, but in fact the answer has changed.

“First, do no harm,” is the traditional oath of the doctor, but when killing babies in the womb, mutilating healthy bodies when confused minds claimed to be the “wrong sex,” and pushing experimental drugs branded as a vaccine became recognized as “healthcare,” that oath went out the window.

The American Decency Association is located right in your back yard, in Fremont, Michigan, and on Thursday, December 12, we are hosting a documentary created by America’s Frontline Doctors called, What is a Doctor? hosted by Dr. Simone Gold.

We are so grateful for bold truth tellers in the medical community like Dr. Gold and those who joined her in this documentary, and others in our own communities.

Come see What is a Doctor? at 203 E Main in Fremont on Thursday, December 12 at 2:00.

Click here to read an email alert which gives more information on this vital film. Please join us and invite your church, family, and friends. Let’s get this information out far and wide.


Press Forward for Justice

With hearts of gratitude and praise we saw the hand of God in this last election, but now we must press forward and correct the wrongs which have been destroying our nation and its people. The Left will call it revenge or retribution; the fact is, it’s justice! President Trump needs to press forward with justice, otherwise, evil will continue unchecked.

Without real justice being enacted on those who have coordinated the unprecedented legal assault against President Trump, J6ers, pro-lifers, and against those who have worked in conjunction with foreign entities to the destruction of America, we continue to invite and perpetuate the evil that has been growing for so long.

We’ve longed for justice, prayed for justice; now, might those prayers be brought to fruition, by God’s grace and a government bent on restoring our Constitution, protecting our people, and lifting up truth for our Republic again.


Bible Sales are Up!

There’s some good news recently reported by the Wall Street Journal: Bible sales increased 22% this year, many of which are first-time buyers. The reason so many are purchasing their first Bible is attributed to people looking for hope in an increasingly turbulent world.

There are millions who have a craving that the things of this world can’t satisfy, who are trying to fill an emptiness which can only be filled by a saving relationship with Jesus.

It’s not enough just to buy a Bible, it has to be read. In doing so, readers will find that missing piece in their lives. As Augustine wrote, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” As these first-time readers open God’s Word, pray that the Holy Spirit opens their hearts to the Good News that brings great joy!

If we are Christians or one who truly cares, at the very least let us speak truth into these hurting souls (“gender dysphoric” youth/adults), addressing them according to their God-ordained pronouns and birth-given names – not apologetically or angrily, but compassionately.

Many of our readers are familiar with Jesus’ parable of the “Good Samaritan.” These youth have been hijacked by “robbers” with an agenda; left beaten by politicized counselors, doctors, and social media; and stripped of the dignity of who God made them to be. They are “left for dead” by such “robbers” who care nothing for them or who are themselves deceived. Let us bring the balm of truth to heal their wounds and be willing to “pay” for whatever such actions may bring.

F.B. Meyer wasn’t speaking of “transgenderism” specifically, but his words are applicable:

“We cannot live alone. No one of us can be entirely independent of others. I am not only a center, but I am part of another man’s circumference; and every other man, woman or child I know is part of my circumference. We are members one of another. In other words, we all have neighbors; and a complete human life, which has windows opening to the Infinite Creator, must have doors opening on the street towards our finite fellow-creatures.

“…Make no distinction of race or creed; but wherever you come across a man who has been stripped, beaten, robbed, and is half-dead, don’t wait for other men to succor him, but bind up his wounds; minister to him, and treat him as though you loved him with the natural love of brotherhood…

“Remember that a gift of money is by no means the only way of helping your neighbors. What men and women need most are compassion, sympathy, your hand and heart-help. ‘Silver and gold have I none’ has been the confession of some of the greatest benefactors of our race. Above all, it was true of our Lord Himself, who became poor that He might really help us, as He never could have done had He remained rich. Let Him be our example, who came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.

It’s with this concern and compassion that we reach out to you, urging you to join us on Thursday, December 12 at 2 pm for the film “What Is a Doctor?:” bring others with you to the American Decency building (203 E. Main St.) to become informed about this travesty that is attacking the young people of this nation.


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