Three in Three for 5/4/23

By: Steve Huston

REMINDER: Pastor Matthew Trewhella will be hosted by Newaygo County Grassroots at the American Decency building (203 E. Main St. Fremont, MI) on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 6:30 PM. He will be speaking on the Application of the Doctrine of Lesser Magistrates to County and Local Government. For more information, please call Theresa at 989-800-1776. We also wrote an article about this earlier in the week here.

In Daniel chapter nine, Daniel’s prayer of national confession and petition for mercy is available for all to read. Essentially, Daniel is praying that God will bring Israel to repentance and renewal. As you read through these Decency Minute scripts or listen to them by clicking on their titles, I think you’ll agree that Daniel’s confession is fitting for America today: “O Lord, to us belongeth confusion of face.”

If you are a praying person, I urge you to pray after each Decency Minute, for we are in desperate need of confession to God and mercy, repentance, and renewal from Him. Might our prayer echo Daniel 9:18, “O my God, incline thy ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our desolations…for we do not present our supplications before thee for our righteousnesses, but for thy great mercies.

Considering the state of the church and our nation, perhaps our first prayer should be, “Lord, help US to recognize our ‘confusion of face’ and burden our hearts to see our desolations.

“Dragging” Down a Sinking Ship:

Once an elite fighting force, our military is quickly becoming a laughing stock, as military leaders continue their push of woke ideology.  As a result, recruitment numbers have plummeted.

But the U.S. Navy has a new recruiting tool they think will help bolster their ranks – drag queens.  The Navy has hired a non-binary sailor, who moonlights as a drag queen, as their digital ambassador to supposedly attract more recruits to the service.  An online video shows yeoman second-class Joshua Kelly both in his naval uniform and decked out in sexualized drag queen garb.

Who does the US. Navy think this will entice to serve their country?  The military is making it clear that conservative, patriotic Americans are no longer welcome.  And do they really think Gen-Z snowflakes will enlist?

Our nation is in serious trouble.  We have sown the wind and are reaping the whirlwind.


Legislating Morality:

The old left used to have a saying they’d trot out against Christians who wanted civil government to hold back evils like pornography and abortion. Maybe you’ve heard it before: “You can’t legislate morality.”

Today’s left has realized how ridiculous that saying always was, but instead of fighting to retain, for example, the innocence of children or the integrity of marriage, today’s left uses the language of morality to push for legislation protecting self-mutilization in the form of gender affirming surgery and infanticide, for example.

This is why some speech is labeled as “hate speech” and is comparable to blasphemy laws in Islamic nations. Disagreement on certain issues is equated with hatred, hatred is immoral, and so this speech should, in their view, be illegal.

The question isn’t whether morality will be legislated, it’s whose morality will be legislated, and the transcendent Word of God is the only source of absolute, moral truth.


Can God Bless America?

“God bless America, land that I love. Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above.” What a song! But, with all we’ve done, isn’t it a bit presumptuous to ask for God to bless America?

After all, God HAS blessed America, but we’ve claimed His blessings as our own doing. We’ve lifted up man’s will and law over the will and law of God.

In the past, we’ve had national calls to fasting with brokenness; we would repent of our sin, cry out to God, and recognize that if we would have Him stand by us, we must humbly stand by Him. Where is our brokenness

It’s presumptuous to ask for God’s guidance when we insist on walking in our own way, nationally trampling God’s Word and His grace, rather than growing in them.

Oh Lord, bless us with brokenness and repentance.

An email from earlier in the week expanding on this can be found here.

 It’s with heavy hearts and minds that we present these scripts to you this week. Although the National Day of Prayer is now behind us, let us daily continue in prayer, keeping our minds stayed on God. Let us seek His will and “…come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” (Heb. 4:16)


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