By God’s grace we’ve stepped out of 2022; Lord willing, by His leading we are walking into 2023. The question is, where will we step in 2023? To consider our steps is vitally important for several reasons; let me share just a few.
First, every step we take either strengthens our walk with God or begins a path that leads away from Him. As God spoke to Israel through the prophet Isaiah, we can either be willing and obedient and eat the good of the land or we will refuse and rebel and be “devoured by the sword.” (1:19-20) Hmm, eat the good of the land or be eaten by the sword, our steps/decisions have consequences; where will you step in 2023? I urge you to prayerfully consider your ways, your steps, your decisions.
Secondly, our steps will show the fervency, coolness, or lukewarmness that we have for God. David, the man after God’s own heart, wanted his steps to be as much in accord with His God as humanly possible; he depended upon God’s Word to define his steps. “I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies. I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.” (Psalm 119:59-60) In the verse just before, David’s motive is integrity (“with my whole heart”) and the verse following shows that his integrity isn’t dependent on outward circumstances – “The bands of the wicked have robbed me: but I have not forgotten thy law.” Dear Reader, regardless what 2023 brings; regardless of how the enemy may desire to strip you of your freedoms and rob you of precious possessions; come what may, be resolute in your stand upon the Word of God. Stand on truth, in love, being bold in the authority of God’s Word. To do so, we must read it in relation to the whole counsel of God, meditate upon His precepts, and have our hearts in tune to the Spirit’s leading.
Thirdly, our steps are not simply our own; children, communities, and others are watching. They will either be strengthened by our stand or they may find themselves shrinking back, not wanting to stand alone. I urge us to be real men and women of Biblical conviction, standing strong like Job stood in chapter 29. I urge you to read the whole of the chapter, but I pray that we will figuratively step up as Job does in these few verses (vv. 14- 17): “I put on righteousness, and it clothed me: my judgment was as a robe and a diadem. I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame. I was a father to the poor: and the cause which I knew not I searched out. And I brake the jaws of the wicked, and plucked the spoil out of his teeth.” Again, this is not a call for physical violence; it’s a call to stand boldly on the truth, letting others know, without question, that there is a right way and we are to walk in it.
Where will you step in 2023? Examine your steps of 2022 and ask these, or similar, questions:
Are we always choosing to do things that please our Father (God)?
Do our radio, television, or YouTube programs, or any other viewing materials please God? If not, TURN THEM OFF!
Do our books, magazines, blogs, etc. please God? If not, BURN THEM! Do you remember that the early Christians in Acts 19:19 did so to the expense of “fifty thousand pieces of silver”?
Are our social media interactions godly, encouraging, God-glorifying, and pointing to Christ? If not, GET OFF OF THEM!
This is not a time for milquetoast “Christianity;” 2023 is a time to boldly step into the Way of Christ and walk faithfully with Him. The spiritual battle is real; the lines have been – and are being – drawn; choose you this day whom you will serve!
Our desire at American Decency is to step boldly into 2023, not shrinking back. We desire to be compassionate and loving, but, with God’s help, we will not compromise on the truth and our prayer is that you will not either.
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