Don’t Miss Colbeck on Election Integrity!

By: Steve Huston

I encourage you to request copies of Patrick’s DVDs which include the power point combined with his explanation. This needs to be attended to by all of us who know that our elections are being defrauded.  – Bill Johnson

This was an incredible event with so much understandable information and advice, it needs to be seen again and again. Whether you came in person, watched via Facebook Live, or weren’t able to do either, be sure to order the DVD ($10) of this event so you can hear, and share with others, Patrick’s thorough update, overview, and statewide perspective on the voting process of 2020 and 2022.

Some look at election integrity and the 2020 election like a sore thumb, if you keep whacking it, it’s going to keep hurting. It’s over; let it rest. However, the real problem is that we can’t get beyond this until it’s fixed. Otherwise, our thumb keeps getting whacked, causing more damage to the “thumb” and the rest of the body as well! Something MUST be done; but what?

Former NASA scientist and senator, Patrick Colbeck, spoke to a packed auditorium at American Decency in February. He shared how he’s been using his gift of technology, his strong mind, and his love for our nation to tirelessly and thanklessly investigate the lack of election integrity and the evidence of election fraud since day one of the 2020 elections. He’s also been looking into the 2022 midterms as well. As a Christian, Patrick cares about truth, about our nation, and our freedom. Each day, more and more new evidence comes to light across the country.

Why bother? Because elections, even stolen ones, have consequences. As Patrick warns in his book, when people are placed in positions of authority within our government but they serve someone other than the American people, the following happens: “Our Constitution is gone. Our Bill of Rights is gone. Government of, by, and for the people is gone. This is why any attack on our election system by enemies foreign or domestic should be considered an act of war.”

It’s easy to believe that our small local elections are safe and secure, not like those big cities. But as Pat points out, there are very few local county clerks, understandably, that have a clue as to how the machines work and trust that things are as they should be. Many of them aren’t even aware that there are chips inside, how they function, or if they are compromised in any way. We need to bring our voting back to the 1800s.Watch the DVD to find out what that means.

Sandy Rios recently had Patrick on her new podcast, Sandy Rios 24/7. They both pointed to Venezuela as a place that was once prosperous, experienced stolen elections, and is now a place where no one wants to be. Such is the fate of the United States if election integrity is not restored. I would urge you to find her podcast on and listen to parts one and two of The Big Lie Turns Out To Be True (January 27 and 30). It will whet your appetite for more instruction after hearing these two great minds discuss election malfeasance.

When one considers the incredible importance of absolute election integrity and the widespread belief that there was malfeasance in our elections, one understands why we dare not let this go on unchecked. Both refer to a Rasmussen poll, sharing that 83% of Americans believe that there’s election fraud and 52% think that such fraud affected the election results. Either of these numbers represent a majority of voters; it’s vital that we discuss election integrity and fix the problems or too many will lose faith in the process, giving up on our country.

For a fuller view and continuing update of Patrick’s work on election malfeasance and steps to take toward much-needed election integrity, visit his website often. Read his blog, get links to other informative articles, and learn of others in the fight for our nation. One can also order his book – The 2020 Coup: What Happened, What We Can Do. – from his website or Amazon. We also encourage you to financially support Patrick in the important work he is doing.

In a recent article Patrick wrote on his website, he shared two keys to securing our elections. I would urge you to check it out. The following are a few quotes meant to whet your appetite:

“Ever since I was a poll challenger in Detroit at the TCF Center for the 2020 election, I have been vigorously investigating how the integrity of our elections has been compromised. I have compiled a significant amount of evidence as the chart below and its many links to evidentiary materials would attest.”

 “Mail-in ballots are not the only weak points in our election security. Electronic voting systems are a significant source of security vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities were well documented by media sources and documentaries in the wake of the 2016 election. … In the wake of the 2020 election, anyone who expressed concerns with electronic voting systems was subject to censorship, de-platforming or legal action.”

When you read the article to find out how to secure our elections, I believe you’ll come to the same conclusion as Pat did, “Securing our elections can be simple but it is not easy.” In other words, it will take a concerted effort.

It’s important that we all get involved. Some will do so at the polls, others will help spread this information, while some will help to keep the conversation alive during their daily interactions with others. Regardless the action any of us takes, we all need to become informed voters and cast our vote for Biblical values and freedom. Get informed and help to inform others by sharing Pat’s website and by ordering this DVD ($10).   It’s not an overstatement to say if we lose election integrity, we lose our nation. Let it never be said that we didn’t do all we could to right the sinking ship we find ourselves in. What a blessing to know that when we have done our part, we can rest fully in the sovereignty and grace of God.


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