Below are the scripts to our Decency Minutes for this week. If you’re unfamiliar with our one-minute radio spots that Bill Johnson records and which are aired on several radio stations, here is an opportunity to become familiar with them. Click on the title to hear the audio, read these news-byte scripts, click on other links to better understand the topic, and then share this email or the audio Decency Minutes through your favorite social media platform. We’d appreciate you helping us spread the word!
This week’s Decency Minutes are particularly heavy; let me first encourage you with these words.
To realize the worth of the anchor, we need to feel the storm. Dear Reader, our anchor is Jesus Christ; He alone can truly hold us securely through the storms which assail our soul, our nation, and the declining morality of our society. Might our hearts be in total agreement with Edward Mote, author of the hymn My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less, particularly as we come to verse 2 and chorus:
When darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest on his unchanging grace;
in every high and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the veil.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand:
all other ground is sinking sand;
all other ground is sinking sand.
CCP Setting Up Shop in Michigan
In the past few months, Michigan has banned the use of TikTok on government devices, for fear of their spying on us. An unidentified object, suspected to be a Chinese spy balloon, was shot down by fighter jets over Lake Huron, AND Michigan offered $715 million worth of incentives to a Chinese company to build a battery factory in the middle of the state.
Wait, if we are so concerned about China spying on us, why are asking them to set up businesses, which would answer to the Chinese government, in our backyard?
But it’s not just the spying that presents an issue. The majority of the world’s lithium mines are owned by China, and worked by, essentially, slaves. Why are we in such a hurry to transition from fossil fuels, which we already have an abundance of, and be reliant on slave labor and Chinese resources?
Bill Johnson recently wrote on this calling people to action. Read here.
When you receive our April newsletter, be sure to check out Chris Johnson’s front page, very well-written article on this topic. If you don’t receive our newsletter, contact us to get on our mailing list or visit American Decency’s website here, in order to read the current or past issues. Note: this month’s newsletter will not be online until sometime around April 1.
Our culture is disintegrating before our eyes. What was once considered perverse, is now being celebrated and normalized. A prime example is the mainstreaming of drag queen shows which are popping up all over.
Can you imagine that taking place 10, or even 5, years ago? The advancement of the LGBT agenda has permeated every vestige of society, as the vast number of people who oppose it remain silent. And with little opposition, it becomes normalized.
Often, we are too concerned about being labeled a “bigot.” We equate Christianity with being “nice” – but true Christianity is exemplified by love. Is it loving to remain silent while a sinful ideology takes root, deceiving our neighbors? It’s always easier to do nothing, but God calls us to lovingly speak truth in hard places.
Be a voice of truth and love to those who are being deceived.
Lisa Van Houten published an article this week urging us to take action. Get informed, help us educate others, and take action – be that voice of truth and love! She also wrote more in depth on this issue in American Decency’s April newsletter. If you don’t receive our newsletter, contact us to get on our mailing list or visit American Decency’s website here, in order to read the current or past issues. Note: this month’s newsletter will not be online until sometime around April 1.
Have you heard about the man taking a nap, only to have someone put a foul-smelling substance in his beard while he slept? He awoke with his nose being greatly offended, and since he couldn’t figure out where this terrible odor was coming from, he said, “This room stinks!” He went into the living room but the smell was still horrendous, so he said, “This whole house stinks!” Hoping for relief he ran outside; the bad smell persisted, so he cried, “The whole world stinks!”
Beware! Before blaming the world and others for the “offensive smell” that causes us to gripe and complain, let us ask the Lord for His help in getting the “foul smell” out of our own “beard.” This will help the world to smell a little better. God, help us remove the beam in our own eye, before looking for the speck in someone else’s.
Be sure to check your inbox and our website next week for more encouragement, education, and ever-pointing-to-our-Sovereign-God articles, Decency Minutes, and conference opportunities. Contact us to sign up for our newsletter, drop us a word of encouragement, or to let us know you’re praying for us. In all these perilous times, remember: Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
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