America and hubris seem to walk hand in hand. From bumper stickers reading Amer-I-CAN to songs like Lee Greenwood’s God Bless the USA (I’m Proud to be an American), pride seems to be engrained in our national spirit. I do recognize that there is a sense in which, perhaps, such national pride and self-sufficiency MAY not be out of place, but still, I wonder.
Even if the above is okay, we need to come to the realization that politics, getting back to the 3 Rs of education, and a renewal of FCC regulations will not save us or “Make America Great Again.” We must find repentance not a reprieve. Rather, America must humble herself and follow God’s instruction to Israel through the prophet Isaiah; “LOOK UNTO ME, AND BE YE SAVED, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.” (45:22) Might that be our prayer.
An illustration I read recently may help the reader to better understand what I am trying to say: A man once dreamed that he was in a deep pit, sinking fast in the mire—feet, knees, body, neck, gone down beneath the surface— when he heard a voice, “Look up.” Looking up, he saw a star; and, while gazing at it, he began to rise. Then, congratulating himself on his escape, he turned his eyes from the star to himself, and immediately he began to sink again. Regardless of all his own efforts to rise only sank him deeper; when almost gone he again heard the voice, “Look up.” Then once more gazing at the heavenly star, he began to rise higher and higher, till he was almost free; then, turning to help himself, and to remove the mire clinging to him, he forgot to look up, and again he sank. Once more the voice came, “Look up; for only while you look you rise.” And looking steadfastly, be rose from the mire, and was saved.
While reading the following Decency Minutes, or listening to Bill Johnson narrate them by clicking their titles, we urge the reader/listener to not put their hopes in a better system or politician. Instead, we pray that you will look up, trusting God for all our personal and national needs. Yes, God IS sovereign and man does have a responsibility to act, but our action begins with “Look unto me and be ye saved,” followed by sharing the message of God’s wondrous, saving grace. Only prayer and seeking His face will bring the results for which many of us are desperately longing.
Please share our message with others by forwarding this email or posting these Decency Minute links on various social media platforms.
Stranger Danger, Back to School Edition
We warn our children about “stranger danger.” We tell them that no adult should ever ask children to keep a secret from their parents. Yet as millions of children head back to school, that is exactly what teachers will be doing. Over one thousand school districts in the U.S. have adopted polices telling teachers to keep students’ gender identities secret from their parents.
Pedophiles tell children, “this will be our little secret.” Now teachers are telling kids – “don’t tell your parents you changed your gender.” Family Research Council warns, “parents need to assume they will be deceived by their school if their child makes a gender identity declaration to a teacher or counselor.”
The Left has long striven to separate children from their parents. But God gives parents the responsibility to guide, direct, and protect their children. Don’t let agenda-driven schools usurp your authority.
Click here to read a great article that goes much wider and deeper than we could go in a Decency Minute. It’s on page three of our latest monthly newsletter. To request your own free newsletter from American Decency Association go to our contact page.
Keep Your Political Passion in Proper Perspective
With the first debate for the Republican nomination for the presidency this past Wednesday, the 2024 election cycle has officially begun.
We’ve seen in past elections how easily our opinions of political leaders can change throughout the course of conflicting campaigns. We might find ourselves arguing vehemently in the general election on behalf of someone we detested in the primary. It is very easy to get swept up in political passion.
But, as we follow the election coverage over the next year, let’s keep this mind: our leaders, even our favorite ones, will let us down. They will make bad decisions, both in how they run their campaigns and, if elected, in how they run the country.
But ultimately, our leaders’ hearts are a stream of water in the hand of the Lord, He turns it wherever He will.
Whoever we have, we’ll have the leader we deserve, and the Lord will be in control.
Not Just the Good Ol’ Days, But the GOOD Way
With social unrest, government corruption, economic instability, moral depravity, Covid’s suspensions of the Constitution, forced injections, and the increasing war against our Bill of Rights and Christianity, many wonder, “Is America doomed?”
In response to these American woes, many singers and writers either warn that certain areas of America won’t put up with the Left’s shenanigans or point to the “Good ol’ days,” directing their listeners to push back and strive for their reattainment.
The problem is, we ought not to be content with the “Good ol’ days,” but rather, we must seek “THE Good Way” that God laid down for us to walk in. It’s only there we will find real freedom and contentment.
Jeremiah 6:16 admonishes, “…Stand ye in the ways and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.”
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