What’s Happening in America? Interview with Trevor Loudon

By: Steve Huston

The interview can be found here. Click on the title Interview with Bill Johnson and Trevor Loudon to view it. In this interview Trevor told Bill, “If you tell people that we are in the middle of a Marxist revolution, most Americans will say, ‘huh?’” Many of our readers will recognize the truth of that statement. I urge you to watch this interview and pass it on to others. Share this email, share the interview link on social media, and tell your family and friends about it. This is interview is interesting, compelling, and gives a message of hope at the end!

LTC Robert L. Maginnis, in the opening of his book Give Me Liberty, Not Marxism, writes:

America from its founding was a land of opportunity where citizens thrived because they enjoyed the freedom to prosper. That outcome was embedded in our system of government with first principles that included equality, liberty, and limited government. America became the envy of the world because she reflected Christian values like charity and protecting the disadvantaged, and its form of government gave us a system of wise checks and balances to mitigate against man’s many flaws. All that is changing, thanks to leftists – arguably the Marxists – now creeping into positions of power, which includes Mr. Biden and his phalanx of administration appointees and a host of elitist supporters.

It’s important that we understand the above paragraph as a foundation for this incredible and vital interview with American Decency’s founder, Bill Johnson, and his guest Trevor Loudon.

They covered such a wide variety of important topics surrounding the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its infiltration, undermining, and attacks on America that one will want to watch it several times to take it all in.

When asked about the CCP’s infiltration into the Republican party, Trevor answered, in part, with, Every major committee in Congress now is run by a Marxist. Every major committee in the Senate is run by a Marxist or CCP co-optee.

Want names and examples of how this is affecting America and Americans directly today? Click and listen! 

Only a few of the many other topics covered well by these two include:

* Biden: ineptitude or strategic pawn?

* Who does Trevor believe is running America today? (The answer may surprise you.)

* The CCP is bringing a revolution against America – designed to destroy the greatest constitutional Republic the world has ever seen.

* The problem with primaries (every republican needs to understand this issue!)

* Unrestricted warfare

* EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack possibilities

* China could take us now, what are they waiting for? Trevor warns: “The Russian military and the Chinese military are getting ready for World War III, the American military is getting ready for mascara.” He also has a message for all those Christians and conservatives who are currently in the military. Watch this interview to hear what that message is!

* Listen as they discuss the CCP’s nefarious infiltration into Hollywood, sports, business, etc.

* Do you know about Kissinger’s Committee of 100? You will if you watch Bill and Trevor discuss it.

* They even talk about the Covid-19 vaccine and the mandates surrounding it.

A bleak picture is painted but as these two men, who are like the sons of Issachar who understand the times and know what to do, bring their time together to a close, you will find that they do believe there is hope! What is that hope? To quote Trevor, “This republic will not survive without…”

Click here to find the answer.

Don’t forget, we had Trevor Loudon throughout West Michigan recently for our conference entitled America – the World’s Last Bastion of Freedom. To purchase this DVD set ($20) which includes Trevor Loudon’s lecture and complementary messages given by men of God click here. To learn more about this recent conference click here.



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