Public libraries receive funds from all taxpayers which is one of the excuses they use for promoting Drag Queen story hour; let’s not forget that virtue-signaling need for diversity and inclusivity as well. Those are high and mighty claims until their deceptive mask is pulled back to show their duplicitous hypocrisy and their nefarious agenda of social engineering while imparting their ideas of morality (actually immorality) which is being funded with your tax dollars and mine.
One may think that duplicitous hypocrisy sounds a little harsh. That’s exactly what it is, though, when these “bastions of diversity” promote, hold, and celebrate – dare I say glorify – such perversions as Drag Queen Story Hour, but refuse to allow an author to read his new children’s book which teaches Biblical wisdom and the value of producing the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control.
Kirk Cameron has, for all practical purposes, been “banned” from over 50 libraries across the United States because he wants to read As You Grow, a children’s book which he has written about love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. That’s right, public libraries that host Drag Queen story hours, where they are grooming America’s children to be confused about their sexual identity, where men are mocking women by dressing up as something they are not, have refused to allow Kirk to read a book about love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control. They can read books to young children about gender identity, about LGBTQIA political ideology, hoping to instill doubt in these children regarding their sexual identity, but we dare not speak about the sensibility of Biblical wisdom and the fruit of the Spirit. A premium must be placed on feelings while facts, of all kinds, are hoped to be relegated to the dusty corners of history. As it’s been said, “In a culture war, truth is the first casualty.”
In a FOX News article which includes several statements of library rejections, we’re told that one library worker in Rhode Island responded to the book publisher (Brave Books) with, “We are a very queer-friendly library. Our messaging does not align.” So, their messaging doesn’t align with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control. Which is interesting because in an article from the Advocate, a pro-LGBT publication, writing on this topic, “The book ‘teaches biblical wisdom and the value of producing the fruit of the spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control,’ he (Cameron) added. One wonders if he would be surprised to hear those things are considered virtues in the LGBTQ+ community as well.” Apparently, at least one Rhode Island library would be surprised.
Fox News reports: “Reacting to the news that he has yet to be booked into a single children’s story hour at a public library in America for his new book — and commenting on the rejections and comments he’s received — Cameron told Fox News Digital, ‘This is proof that more than ever, we are getting destroyed in the battle for the hearts and minds of our children.’
“‘Publicly funded libraries are green-lighting “gender marker and name change clinics” while denying a story time that would involve the reading of a book that teaches biblical wisdom,’ said Kirk Cameron this week. ‘How much more clear can it get?’ he added, referencing a ‘battle’ for the ‘hearts and minds’ of America’s children.
“He added, ‘We have to start fighting back, or we will lose our kids and this country’.”
The Apostle Paul did warn us that there would come a day when men will desire lies and despise the truth. Hardly any can doubt that we’ve arrived at that day. These libraries are busy virtue-signaling as Kirk and his new book are attempting to promote virtuous values. The “virtues” people espouse will either be virtues grounded in the ultimate truth – Jesus Christ – or “virtues” grounded in one’s own vile passions. Which are we promoting and accepting and allowing in the hands and before the eyes of our children?
We may or may not have already lost our country but it’s vital that we do all we can to NOT lose our children to this culture of death and pseudo-virtues constantly being pushed by the Left. Better to be defined by something beautiful and pure, to be defined by something bigger and better than our own passions. Better to be defined by the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, self-control than a redefining of those virtues which “self-justifies” acts of selfishness, discontent, hate, resent, etc. We must understand, and make it known, that this is spiritual warfare, a warfare against God and the image of God with which God has blessed man. Our weapons in this warfare are a bold living out of the fruit of the Spirit. A bold love to tell the truth, a bold joy that stands fast when circumstances would turn it, a bold peace that keeps its mind set on the sovereignty of God, … and a bold self-control that dictates our emotions, actions, and keeps our desires in check.
Brave Books has published Kirk Cameron’s new children’s book entitled As You Grow, which Amazon has described as: “As You Grow is written by the legendary Kirk Cameron. This fun story with brilliant art teaches the Biblical truths of the Fruit of the Spirit. Follow Sky Tree’s journey from a small acorn to a mighty tree that provides shade, sustenance, and lodging!”
Never heard of Brave Books? In a recent podcast of The Rebellion, Dr. Everett Piper, author of Grow Up! Life Isn’t Safe but It’s Good, describes this new company as producing books about personal responsibility, teaching our children to live rightly, and the reality that there is a wrong and a right way to live. Their books are grounded in a Biblical ethic, teaching our children that America has promoted personal freedom and personal responsibility, for good rather than bad. They actually come out and say that socialism has a bad track record.
Founder and CEO of Brave Books, Trent Talbot, told Fox News Digital, “It is devastating to discover that many of our publicly funded libraries have now become indoctrination centers that refuse to allow biblical wisdom to be taught to our children;” adding, “The woke left understands that morality is instilled by the age of 10, and they want their morality to win, not the morality that the Bible teaches.”
In a different interview with Tucker Carlson, Kirk Cameron was telling his story and encouraging others to bring a good, moral story hour to their own local library that has held a Drag Queen story hour. Don’t miss this short interview in which Tucker claims he could learn a lesson from Kirk and Kirk issues a challenge to all of us.
In closing, we want our readers to know that both Kirk Cameron and Brave Books are announcing to the public that “for every purchase made at, we will donate a book to a library near you from our Freedom Island [children’s book] series that teaches pro-God and pro-family values.”
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