Philip and his wife nearing their 45th wedding anniversary

Phillip Haney – death two years ago today

By: Bill Johnson

Philip Haney was murdered two years ago today in his hometown area.  I write this to commemorate the life of a martyr; a man highly regarded, loved and mightily missed.

There are many people that are always ready for any update on the findings that comes available.

The most recent update that we have received came from the Ledger (Jackson, CA)

I am not coming with an update but with an interview that I did with Philip Haney

Our ADA family was very blessed to have a lot of time with Phil whether on the road, in our home, or at our office discussing so many topics concerning our nation, freedom, tyranny, our Lord.  Philip loved the Lord and knew that it was God Who kept him in the battle and he fought with boldness and limited finances in the last years of his life.

Also, I know from a very reliable source that though a second book was being planned there was NO manuscript as no book had been started.   His first and only book “See Something, Say Nothing” is out of print but may be available.  Amazon shows a few left and is also available on kindle.

One of my favorite remembrances was Philip making his first speaking engagement with us at Dalton Baptist Church in North Muskegon.  During the Sunday school hour he spoke on the significance and power of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life.   He used no notes and no outline.  It was thoroughly Biblical with powerful application.  The former pastor there acknowledged the same thing as we talked in recent months.

The Trump administration was under great pressures two years ago.  Philip had proven to be a great asset to the cause of truth and righteousness and Constitutional clarity and spiritual warfare.  He was a truth teller and when given the opportunity in government to find terrorists within our country he was without match!   He hungered to get back into the government to help make a difference in teaching and exposing evil – the enemy within.

And then, February 21, 2019 came around and he was found dead along the highway just a few miles away with a bullet in his chest.    See our article “What Happened to Phil Haney” from January 27, 2022.

Read below ADA’s Steve Huston’s brief account of his time on the road with Phil.

I was given the express privilege of traveling much with Phil Haney while he was on tour in Michigan for the American Decency Association. Phil shared many personal stories with me while on the road or in the air and I was blessed to hear his presentation often. One trip that stands out in my mind is when Pilots for Christ flew us up near the Mackinac Bridge. On our return flight it was night and we enjoyed seeing the road’s traffic and signal lights below. It was of especial interest to this ant scientist as he explained how given enough time he could tell much about this community from up here. God had given him a special heart, mind, and strength with which Phil loved the Lord. As soon as we landed I went into our local Wal-Mart and bought him a can of Popeye’s spinach because he would often impersonate Popeye’s signature phrase “I’ve had all I can stands and I can’t stands no moreand encourage his listeners to become strong like Popeye and stand for the truth.

In closing, Phil Haney finished nearly every message that he gave with the following quote from Abraham Lincoln:

“The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.”

Editor’s noteDISENTHRALL:   to free from a controlling force or influence


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