The vision of the American Decency Association is that believers will recognize Christ’s great call for His people to love Christ, to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and to “be holy for I am holy.” [I Peter 1:15,16]. We are called to be that city on the hill that Jesus references [Matthew 5:14-16] shining forth His light unashamedly and yet gently for all the world to see so that His name would be glorified and captives would be set free.
In addition, given the powerful and insidiously destructive influence of the majority of entertainment media, we are called to turn from our wicked ways of entertainment selections that dishonor the Lord and degrade us His temple ( social media, movies, television shows, websites, music, etc.). We need to be increasingly discerning regarding our choices of media entertainment, as well as the companies we support, aligning our choices as consumers in the marketplace with our moral convictions.
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