We Must Do Our Part

By: Steve Huston

One of my favorite memes is pictured above; President Trump is saying: “In reality they’re not after me. They are after you. I’m just in the way.”

The previous administration proved the veracity of this statement as the Biden regime came after the American public using every means available to them, and then some, to fulfill Obama’s promise of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” – once they got Trump out of the way. Instead of an “American Dream,” we became an “American Nightmare”: an America divided, whose light had dimmed, while sanity and common sense had all but been choked out, and one that our parents and previous generations would not be able to recognize, while all three branches of government SEEMINGLY tossed the Constitution – the law of the land – aside, occasionally giving it a hat tip to somehow appease watching conservatives.

But God, in His great mercy, brought President Trump back to stand between “us and them” again. Most of you are well aware of the many great Executive Orders (EO) he’s been writing at lightning speed to right the terrible wrongs that have been taking place. As a flawed man, he’s also done some things which, from a Biblical standpoint, I wish he wouldn’t. That doesn’t change the fact that he’s bringing America back from the brink of destruction. Let us continue to pray that God will save him and further use this man for His glory.

As I’ve stated, President Trump is doing much good through his EOs, but if we don’t want all his good work to go to waste once another president with different goals comes into office, then we must do our part to codify as many of these EOs as possible – concentrating on those of the highest import, making them more permanent. It’s time for the legislative branch to support the work of the executive branch instead of watching the judicial branch – which was meant to be the weakest of the branches – legislate from the bench rather than of ruling rightly according to already established laws.

Below are only a few of the many bills that are being introduced or re-introduced to Congress. For the sake of our nation, do your part and look for others, some of which may be found in this article from The Washington Stand; it’s rich with information. The quotes in this section come from this article.

1. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) re-introduced his Jamie Reed Protecting Our Kids from Child Abuse Act. “The legislation would cut off federal funding to any medical institution or university affiliated with an institution that carries out transgender procedures on minors.”

2. Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) and Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.) introduced the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act of 2025 (H.R. 7). “The bill would bar the U.S. government from funding abortion directly, underwriting abortion through federally funded health care insurance plans (including Obamacare) and carrying out abortions at VA hospitals.”

3. Congressman Chip Roy (R-Texas) reintroduced the No Taxpayer Funding for the United Nations Population Fund Act (H.R.436) last month.

“‘The United Nations Population Fund is a globalist, Orwellian, propaganda machine that shills for the Chinese Communist Party its brutal mandatory abortion practices. President Trump was absolutely right to end taxpayer funding to this corrupt and anti-life organization during his first term and I look forward to him doing so again,’ Roy told TWS. ‘At the same time, Congress has a duty under our constitutionally vested powers to ensure that U.S. tax dollars — regardless of which administration is in the White House — can never flow to this dystopian propaganda machine under any future administration. That’s why we need to put this bill on the president’s desk right away.’”

4. Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) has introduced the WHO is Accountable Act (H.R. 600). “The bill would prohibit the use of funds to seek membership in the World Health Organization or to provide assessed or voluntary contributions to the World Health Organization…”

5. Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-MO.) and Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) introduced the Dismantle DEI Act. “The bill terminates all DEI-based programs, offices, trainings, and grants — including identity-based quotas and anything rooted in critical race theory (CRT) — and does not allow the government to rename or repurpose them. Significantly, the legislation extends beyond government entities themselves to include federal contractors and accreditation bodies. It also creates a private right of action for individuals to sue offenders.”

There are five more bills that The Washington Stand urges people to get behind. Please read the article, learn the reasoning behind these bills, and contact your senators and representatives, urging them to support these items.

Remembering that each state has the privilege and the responsibility to protect itself from federal government overreach (thank you, 10th Amendment), we ought to be doing all we can to “drain” our own “state swamps” of RINOs that are not following their platforms or are handing power over to their Democrat counterparts.

As Andrew Roth writes in The Federalist: “We are at a critical moment in our nation’s history. President Trump has four years to push through sweeping reforms to reduce the size and scope of the federal government. But voters must remain vigilant against the 50 state-level swamps. Conservative lawmakers are on the front lines, doing the heavy lifting, but they need our support and defense. The fight is far from over.”

The information included in this article was accurate as of February 12, 2025. Since that time, some of these bills may have moved on. Please be sure to check on them before contacting your senator or representative. Thank you.

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