Pete Hegseth and the D.C. circus

By: Lisa Van Houten

Yesterday, President-elect Trump’s nominee for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth – an Army veteran who deployed to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Guantanamo Bay; is a two-time Bronze Star recipient; and also holds degrees from Princeton and Harvard Universities – was in the center ring of the Washington, D.C. circus, otherwise known as a Senate confirmation hearing.  While Republican senators questioned Hegseth about issues relating to America’s military, most Democrats used their allotted time to smear and humiliate Hegseth for his admitted past moral failings – and even drumming up some unfounded allegations from “anonymous” sources.  Democrats reportedly planned to use Hegseth’s FBI background report against him, but the report didn’t give them ammunition.

Throughout the gauntlet, Hegseth was impressive with his calm demeanor and articulation of the issues. In his opening remarks, Hegseth thanked his wife, Jennifer, and stated: “And as Jenny and I pray together each morning, all glory—regardless of the outcome—belongs to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. His grace and mercy abound each day. May His will be done.”

Hegseth has been open about his faith in Jesus Christ.  He has also spoken with regret of past sexual sins, including multiple affairs and divorces.  Adultery is a grievous sin and a betrayal of the covenant of marriage.  It’s included in a litany of sins in I Corinthians 6:10. Yet, verse 11 goes on to state: “And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”  From Hegseth’s personal testimony, even though he grew up in a Christian family, it’s only in recent years that he has become truly redeemed in Christ. In this short clip from an interview with Megan Kelly, Hegseth is asked: “How can we put a guy in this position [Secretary of Defense] who is a serial cheater? Is that a fair characterization of you?” Hegseth replied: “… It was a fair characterization of me.  Before I was truly changed by Jen and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. … I’ve become a changed man. … Am I a perfect man? No.  Was I a perfect man? Absolutely not.  Do I regret those things? Yes. Is it who I am today? No. I’m just grateful for the grace of God that gives me a new chapter.” I encourage you to watch the full clip.

It’s important to test a man’s character and if the faith he professes is real, resulting in a true change.  However, it’s another thing to engage in blatant hypocrisy, pointing fingers at one, yet ignoring the same sins which are so prevalent in the D.C. swamp.  In yesterday’s hearing, Senator Tim Caine and other Democrat senators berated Hegseth for his immoral behavior and infidelity, implying it was disqualifying for serving in office.  Republican Senator Markwayne Mullin pointed out the hypocrisy in a response which has since gone viral, stating: “And how many senators do you know have gotten a divorce for cheating on their wives? Did you ask them to step down? … You guys make sure you make a big show … because the man’s [Hegseth] made a mistake, and you want to sit there and say that he’s not qualified? It is so ridiculous that you guys hold yourselves as this ‘higher standard,’ and you forget you got a big plank in your eye.” The hypocrisy is even more rich considering that Congress has a secret $18.2 million slush fund to settle sexual harassment claims against members of Congress.

However, the attacks upon Hegseth continued – including criticizing his Christian faith.  Democrats have labeled Hegseth as a “Christian nationalist” due to his multiple religious tattoos, including what’s referred to as the Jerusalem Cross and a tattoo of the motto “Deus vult,” which means God wills it.  While serving in the National Guard, Hegseth had his orders to serve at the Biden inauguration in 2021 cancelled because woke Army leadership claimed Hegseth’s Christian tattoos were signs he was an extremist, labeled an “Insider Threat.”

Of the cross, Hegseth has stated that he had that tattooed on his chest “to show that my religion is front and center in my life.” When questioned yesterday about that specific cross, as Democrat questioning implied it was a sign of being a white nationalist/religious extremist, Hegseth replied: “It’s a historic Christian symbol. In fact, interestingly, recently, I attended briefly the memorial ceremony [for] former President Jimmy Carter.  On the floor of our National Cathedral, on the front page of his program was the very same Jerusalem cross. It is a Christian religious symbol.”

Female Democrat senators also literally screeched at Hegseth, for his statements critical of women serving in combat.  Hegseth responded stating, “When I’m talking about that issue, it’s not about the capabilities of men and women. It’s about standards. Standards that we unfortunately over time have seen eroded in certain duty positions, certain schools, certain places, which affects readiness. … I respect every single female service member that has put on the uniform past and present.  My critiques, Senator, recently and in the past and from personal experience, have been instances where I’ve seen standards lowered.”  Democrat Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand berated Hegseth for his opposition of sending moms of young children to the front lines, but she won’t stand up for moms who are killed by illegal aliens.

Despite the attacks from the Left, Hegseth was supported yesterday by countless Navy Seals and other military veterans who gathered in D.C to support his nomination, greeting him with a standing ovation and chants of USA as he entered the hearing room.  Hegseth recognized them in his opening statement: “And to all the troops and veterans watching, and in this room—Navy SEALs, Green Berets, Pilots, Sailors, Marines, Gold Stars and more. Too many friends to name. Officers and Enlisted. Black and White. Young and Old. Men and Women. All Americans. All warriors. This hearing is for you. Thank you for figuratively, and literally, having my back. I pledge to do the same for you.”

That is one reason why Pete Hegseth’s nomination is such a refreshing change – he has served with and as one of our warriors; he isn’t entrenched in the woke Pentagon leadership or the military industrial complex, which has lined their pocketbooks with “forever wars” in which the U.S. has been engaged.  That was also made clear in Hegseth’s opening statement: “… when President Trump chose me for this position, the primary charge he gave me was—to bring the warrior culture back to the Department of Defense. He, like me, wants a Pentagon laser focused on warfighting, lethality, meritocracy, standards, and readiness. That’s it. That is my job. …

[Trump] believes, and I humbly agree, that it’s time to give someone with dust on his boots the helm. A change agent. Someone with no vested interest in certain companies or specific programs or approved narratives.

My only special interest is—the warfighter. Deterring wars, and if called upon, winning wars … I’ve been there. I’ve led troops in combat…been on patrol for days…pulled a trigger downrange…heard bullets whiz by…flex-cuffed insurgents…called in close air support…led medevacs…dodged IEDs…pulled out dead bodies…and knelt before a battlefield cross…this is not academic for me; this is my life. I led then, and I will lead now.”

A change agent who will lead.  Democrats don’t oppose Hegseth because of his personal moral failings or even his supposed lack of “qualifications” – but because of the much-needed reform he will bring to the Pentagon.  Top of the list will be rooting out “woke” officers and neo-Marxist ideologies, such as DEI (diversity, equality, and inclusion), which have permeated the Pentagon under the Biden administration, leading to pro-life Americans being labeled as terrorists by the U.S. Army, as just one example.  Such polices and leadership have undermined military readiness and led to the current recruiting crisis.

Hegseth vowed yesterday that, if confirmed: “First and foremost, up front, you have to tear out DEI and [critical race theory] initiatives, root and branch out of institutions.”

And that is why the Left is throwing a temper tantrum over the nomination of Pete Hegseth. Pray that he will be successful in returning our nation’s military to the elite fighting force it once was; one that bears true faith and allegiance to the Constitution – not DEI.


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