On the Fight Against Pornography

By: Bill Johnson

Please mark your calendar and join us for the showing of American Family Studios:
Culture Warrior:  Don Wildmon and the Battle for Decency
When: Thursday, February 13, at 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM with a brief discussion to follow
Where: American Decency Association, 203 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI 

To watch the trailer of this movie:  Click Here

Oh, the fight against pornography!!! The pictures below help tell a little of the story, but there is so much more.

I joined that fight in 1985.  As a volunteer, I joined with other Fremont area dear ones – people that I mostly didn’t know.  But they formed the base for our organization.  We were the Citizens Against Pornography.

Actually, my fight began before that; over a decade earlier I had been locked into a pornography addiction.  I was in a fight and I didn’t even know it.  But Christ freed me from that snare.

Then I joined the fight against the evil of pornography with Him and I have been in that fight ever since.

I want to share more of the history of that fight.  I found that I needed all the help I could get beyond my small inner circle.  I met Don Wildmon who had already been immersed in the fight against pornography and indecency since back in 1977 and he was building a team of spiritual warriors all across the USA.  Many of them became dear friends.

Some of you reading this have been my friend for a long time.  Some of you are “friends” in that you are kindred spirits in the spiritual warfare that we find ourselves in.   You read our emails.  Some of you nearby come to our events.  Some of you get our monthly newsletters.  Some of you live in other states, yet you are with us in spirit and in truth.

Well, this is my little invitation for those in Michigan to come for the first time (or the 50th time) to one of our events.  Or, to just email me and say:  I am with you guys at ADA.

But, let’s get back to my inviteOn Thursday afternoon, February 13, at 2:00 PM at American Decency headquarters, we will be sharing with you our story of the fight.  Though we didn’t create this history of the stand against pornography, nonetheless we were very much a part of it. The leading cultural warrior of that day and for many years was the renowned Donald E. Wildmon, now with the Lord!

The American Family Studio, an off-shoot of American Family Association, spent four-and-a-half years in the making of the documentary Culture Warrior:  Don Wildmon and the Battle for Decency, compiling video clips and interviews of many (including me) telling the story of Don Wildmon’s leadership and the fight against pornography, obscenity and indecency.

His fight was our fight and it is still our fight today!  Pornography was driven back and marked as a great darkness in the land that was and is destroying lives, families and marriages.    The movie is not a despairing one, but one of history and of hope – and a call for a new generation to become cultural warriors.

Some of you are American Family Radio listeners!   You have heard this documentary promoted over the airwaves regularly in recent days and months.  For good reason!  It tells the story of the fight and the fighters and calls us all to renew our fight with God’s grace and sure hand.

The attached pictures give a little sense of the fight!  The two hour documentary tells so much more.  I sure hope to have you with us on Thursday, February 13 at 2:00 PM at American Decency Association, 203 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI. 

If you can’t make the movie and want to see it for yourself, please email me at bjohnson@americandecency.org or call me at 231-250-9035.  We want to know you.

Here is a preview link of the movie.

Please mark your calendar and join us for the showing of American Family Studios: 
Culture Warrior:  Don Wildmon and the Battle for Decency
When: Thursday, February 13, at 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM with a brief discussion to follow
Where: American Decency Association, 203 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI 


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