Though President Trump is leading us strong, communism and Islam are still rearing their ugly heads, impacting and attempting to get their steely grip on America and the rest of the world. It’s vital that we have much awareness and remain vigilant where these twin demons are concerned.
It’s for this specific reason that we have once again called upon Jim Simpson to join us at American Decency Association (203 E. Main St. Fremont, MI) for a series of three events – the overriding theme being:
Now the Real Battle Begins
(You’ll want to attend all three if at all possible.)
Thursday, March 27 at 1:30 PM
The Marxist Threat Continues: Now is the time to make their temporary setback permanent
Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 PM
America’s Biggest Vulnerability: Cultural Corruption
Friday, March 28 at 9:00 AM
Now the Real Battle Begins: Breakfast and discussion with Jim, State Rep. Joseph Fox, and others yet to be announced.
Egg casserole, breakfast rolls, fruit, etc. will be provided.
NOTE: Registration is requested to guarantee a place for the breakfast.
To register call us at 231-924-4050 or email
Jim Simpson is very knowledgeable where these two dangerous enemies are concerned; his book The Red-Green Axis 2.0: An Existential Threat to America and the World shows the “collusion between the Democratic Party, American Communists, Socialists and other brands of ‘progressives’, i.e., the Red, and the forces of the Islamic jihad, the Green—so named because the color green carries much symbolism in Islam, and most Muslim nations feature green in flags, emblems, and other identifiers.”
Like an experienced miner who digs deep into the earth to uncover precious metals, Jim Simpson digs deep into the history of communism and socialism to uncover the precious facts that enrich us with warning for our present day. One of his other books which show his investigative work in this area is Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left. More than just a historical look at who Karl Marx was, he shows how it influenced our nation as Black Lives Matter and others rampaged our nation and the police were called to stand down in the midst of such carnage. It answers the questions: “How did we come to this, who caused it, what are their motivations and how do we stop it?”
In Jim’s most recent book, Manufactured Crisis: The War to End America (Sept. 2024), he shows how “America is facing mounting crises from all directions, deliberately manufactured by our enemies both within and without to destroy America once and for all.” The messaging for these events will be focused on this book.
Much more than mere book reviews, the above is meant to show both his passion and intimacy with this topic as well as help our readers understand that Jim is here for such a time as this: There is a war continuing to rage; we must become aware of that war and how to play our role in this fight for our nation!
Make plans to join us; invite your friends and family – these are important events to learn from, be stirred by, and will call us to action. While we have some advantage over what has been, we must strengthen ourselves now, and become prepared for the future. God IS sovereign, but man also has a duty. As someone once said, “Pray as if it is all up to God; work as if it’s all depends on you!”
Now the Real Battle Begins
(You’ll want to attend all three if at all possible.)
Thursday, March 27 at 1:30 PM
The Marxist Threat Continues: Now is the time to make their temporary setback permanent
Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 PM
America’s Biggest Vulnerability: Cultural Corruption
Friday, March 28 at 9:00 AM
Now the Real Battle Begins: Breakfast and discussion with Jim, State Rep. Joseph Fox, and others yet to be announced.
Egg casserole, breakfast rolls, fruit, etc. will be provided.
NOTE: Registration is requested to guarantee a place for the breakfast.
To register call us at 231-924-4050 or email
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