We all have dreams, aspirations, a desire to see things differently than they are. Perhaps Martin Luther King Jr.’s most memorable speech is the “I have a dream” speech, rightly expressing a desire that the United States would cash the “promissory note… that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the ‘unalienable Rights’ of ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.’”
Like Martin Luther King Jr., Erdogan has a dream; like King, it’s a dream of unity, but, unlike King, it’s NOT a dream of liberty for all. No, Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has a dream of restoring the Ottoman caliphate. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream was for all men to be treated equal; Erdogan’s dream is for all men to be brought under submission to Islamic law.
“Caliphate” may be a term our readers are unfamiliar with: “A caliphate is the office or dominion of a caliph, a Muslim leader who rules over a territory.” (Merriam-Webster) When we consider the fact that Erdogan has a desire to restore the Ottoman caliphate, we need to understand that he desires to grow in land mass, influence, and the exultation of Islamic law over all. Let’s look at a few of Erdogan’s recent statements and then consider what this might mean for the United States, particularly since he has his sights set on Syria and other nations.
Expansion: “Every incident that has occurred in our region, especially in Syria, recently reminds us of this fact; Turkey is bigger than Turkey. As a nation, we cannot limit our horizon to 782,000 square kilometers.”
Turkey’s President Erdogan made this statement as well, directly threatening the sovereignty of Israel’s capitol: “Jerusalem is our city.” The Times of Israel reports this in context: “In this city that we had to leave in tears during the First World War, it is still possible to come across traces of the Ottoman resistance. So Jerusalem is our city, a city from us. Our first qibla [direction of prayer in Islam] al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem are the symbolic mosques of our faith. In addition, this city is home to the holy places of Christianity and Judaism.”
The Times of Israel also identifies the point of contention regarding Turkey, Israel, and the USA: “The Ottoman Empire ruled over Jerusalem from 1516 to 1917. Modern Turkey, its successor state, has long stressed its enduring connection to the holy city, regularly condemning Israel’s alleged efforts to “judaize” it and the US administration’s December 2017 recognition of it as Israel’s capital.”
A Divine Calling: When a devout Muslim feels a direct call from their god (Allah), what choice do they have but to respond obediently? “Just as a person cannot escape his destiny, Turkey and the Turkish nation cannot escape or hide from their destiny. As a nation, we have to see the mission that history has assigned to us and act accordingly. We see this, we do not turn a deaf ear to the calls.” (Robert Spencer – Jihadwatch.org)
Erdogan feels compelled to continue regardless of what others think of his/Turkey’s call from destiny: “Those who ask, ‘What is Turkey doing in Libya and Syria?’ may not be able to comprehend this mission. Those who do not know how Turkey has changed may have difficulty understanding the course of events. We leave them alone with nonsense. No matter what we tell those who have abandoned their empathy with their nation, it is useless. We will not waste time with them, we will focus on our goals.” (Robert Spencer)
Perhaps of real concern for Israel and the United States, Erdogan turned to the scientists during his speech at the Scientific and Technological Research Council (TÜBİTAK) and Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) Awards Ceremony at the Beştepe National Congress and Culture Center, and stated: “I believe that you will also fulfill your responsibilities on this blessed journey.” (Robert Spencer)
Frank Gaffney warned in a Secure Freedom Minute from 12-20-24: “Turkey’s Islamist proxies have seized most of Syria. Now it wants an end to U.S. and other international sanctions on an al Qaeda-linked group controlling much of that long-suffering country. Those include a 10-million-dollar bounty on its leader, known as Abu Mohammed al-Jolani, for the murder of Americans, among others…
“Acceding to the Turks’ plans to have jihadists next dominate post-Assad Syria would help them create a neo-Ottoman empire there and far beyond. To that end, Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is preparing to exterminate Syria’s Kurds and possibly others.
“We must stand squarely against, not effectively greenlight, such further crimes against humanity.”
Erdogan is a prime example of Saint Augustine’s description of the lust for domination in his book The City of God: “Therefore I cannot refrain from speaking about the city of this world, a city which aims at dominion, which holds nations in enslavement, but is itself dominated by that very lust of domination.”
As Erdogan is propelled forward by “destiny” and an overwhelming urge to quiet Christianity while bringing all infidels (anyone who doesn’t claim Allah as god) under submission to Islamic law, it’s easy to see how Turkey (NATO’s #2 military) might have no qualms in clashing with America (NATO’s #1 military) in an attempt to further its goal to reestablish the Ottoman caliphate. Turkey has repeatedly urged the United States to halt its support for the YPG (a leading component of the Syrian Democratic Forces, which is armed and supported by the United States) and has warned that Western support for the YPG in the name of fighting ISIS would no longer be tolerated by Ankara.
As we watch Turkey attempt to push its national/Islamic borders and as we witness various Islamic terrorist attacks here at home and around the world, it should be easy to recognize that we are seeing a kind of push for religious globalism – remember that Islam is more than a religion; it’s an all-encompassing political system.
With China, Islam, and other groups like WEF (World Economic Forum) and branches of the UN dreaming that Tears for Fears song – Every Body Wants to Rule the World – it brings me to my own dream, one which coincides with many true believers: the sure return of Christ and His making all things right.
Until that day there will be many heartaches and sorrows, afflictions and persecutions, but as we find true freedom in Jesus and He makes our joy full, we will experience a freedom and peace that can be ours even in the midst of tyranny and chains.
As we draw close to that day, the heathen will rage and the people will imagine a vain thing; kings and rulers will attempt to stand against Christ, the anointed One. Those who are wise will submit to Jesus willingly as rightful ruler of the planet and people He has redeemed. In the meantime, as we share the gospel and people freely submit to the King of kings and the Lord of lords, finding true freedom, we will begin to see the closing of Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech come to fruition:
“…when we allow freedom [to] ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!”
There is no other God; there is no other King. ALL HAIL KING JESUS!
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