Abolish the Department of Education

By: Steve Huston

URGENT, we must act now: The Department of Education (DoE) must be terminated for several reasons and members of Congress are doing their part to bring it to its rightful, nonexistent place in the federal government, allowing it to be rightfully given over to state and local control.

Before stepping into this sensitive and somewhat misunderstood subject, it’s only fitting to thank God for all the many faithful Christians and other good teachers who have, in the past and present, devoted their lives to and have cared about the generations of children who have sat in their classrooms or have simply come through the public schoolhouse doors. I am grateful for them and have personally been blessed and profoundly impacted by some of them during my K-12 schooling years.

Regardless of the many good and caring teachers in the public school system, the Department of Education (DoE) is an unconstitutional department. As the John Birch Society (JBS) states: “[N]owhere does the U.S. Constitution give the federal government any authority over education policy. Under the 10th Amendment, education policy lies with the states and the people. By its very existence and shaping of U.S. education policy, the DoE violates the Constitution.

 But this isn’t the only reason. JBS adds: “[T]he federalization of U.S. education policy is enabling spread of curriculum that promotes leftist values, historical revisionism, and uniform math and reading standards intended to confound and dumb down students. These include Common Core and the Every Student Succeeds Act that codified the former.

This is why U.S. Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) has reintroduced a very short and concise bill before the 119th Congress, cosponsored by 27 other representatives: H.R.899 – To terminate the Department of Education. Tell your U.S. representative and senators to support H.R. 899 and to completely remove the federal government out of education policy. (This hyperlink will take you to the John Birch Society take action page where you can email, call, or video your U.S. representative and senators.)

The bill reads in its entirety:

To terminate the Department of Education.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

SECTION 1. Termination of the Department of Education.

The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2026.


The U.S. Department of Education announced that it will be cutting its staff by about 50 percent as part of a reduction-in-force to start downsizing the DoE, and plans to further reduce their costs by “cutting department building leases in San Francisco, New York, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, and Cleveland,” to “consolidate into one building in the nation’s capital.” Regardless, constitutionally speaking, it should be abolished, not streamlined.

The Federalist quotes one of the department officials: “As the president and Secretary McMahon have noted repeatedly, what we are doing right now in education is simply not working. Seventy percent of kids cannot read proficiently by the time they reach high school, we have spent over $1 trillion at the federal level since the department was created, and test scores and outcomes have plummeted even before pandemic-related school closures drove down performance even more. But, in the meantime, the bureaucracy has grown, and we have a department now that exists largely to oversee contractors, add strains, and in many cases do duplicative efforts across the department.

As Rep. Massie stated on X the first time he introduced this bill to the 118th Congress: “There is no Constitutional authority for this federal bureaucracy to exist.

There is no denying that in times past the DoE has done some great work and many students have benefitted from it. There is also no denying that the DoE and its accompanying programs, regardless the good they’ve done, had no Constitutional basis for its being and, therefore, hasn’t been legal to begin with.

It’s vital that our nation gets back to being ruled by the Constitution, placing education back into the hands of the individual states and local governance. This would help to balance the federal budget and it would also deprive the Deep State of a tool it has hijacked to indoctrinate our nation’s children against our nation, our families, and the God which has shown us favor, grace, and mercy from our inception down through today.

We can better govern and oversee what our children are being taught; we can stop the indoctrination of Marxist and anti-American ideology by bringing the responsibility of educating our children back to parents and local control.

The Left understands that if it can control our children’s education, it will control the future. Having a centralized education department under their influence makes it significantly easier for the Left to accomplish its goals. These damaging policies have persisted since the department’s creation, and simply electing a Republican president will not fix any of them.” (JBS)

When Roe v Wade was overturned, the battle over abortion didn’t stop; it grew more intense. Likely, the same will be said for education. We cannot be lazy; we must, as citizens who care about our children and America’s future, be active in the decision-making process at the state and local levels. It will be hard work and require diligence, but, if we are faithful and vigilant, it will be worth it.

Tell your U.S. representative and senators to support H.R. 899 and to completely remove the federal government out of education policy.


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