3 in 3 for 3-7-25

By: Steve Huston

If we ever forget that we’re one nation under God, then we will be one nation gone under,” so the 40th President of the United States of America, Ronald Reagan, reminded us. America has gone through some very dark eras in her history, but, by God’s mercy and grace, there have been men and women throughout our history who have reminded us that we are to be a city shining on a hill, pointing to our Heavenly Father who has placed America and her citizens on the world scene for such a time as this, during many times – today is no exception.

From our founding documents and those forefathers who wrote them to various pastors, presidents, statesmen, and regular joes lifted up by God to speak into our culture to our current vice president, we have been reminded that regardless of how dark the storms of spiritual warfare have spread across this great nation, God is light and we must point to Him who sits above the storm. We don’t wrestle against flesh and blood and our hope is not in flesh and blood; our God reigns and in Him is no darkness at all.

After the dark era of the Biden regime, it’s a blessing to hear Vice President Vance speak words of light that we must hear, hold on to, and hope to live, by God’s grace and the Spirit’s power working in our lives. Let me share a few:

[Christianity] isn’t just a good set of moral principles, though it is that. The fundamental tenet of the Christian faith is that the Son of God became man. He died, then He raised Himself from the dead. And I think so much flows from that.

Charisma News wrote, “The vice president then went on to discuss how it is the current administration’s goal to create the kind of society where parents can raise their children in righteous, upright ways of the Lord so that they can become the kind of people to lead their communities and the nation. He points out that across time, Christians have faced an array of challenges, but that the rewards which matter most are those found in heaven, not on the earth.

And, perhaps, the vice president’s greatest reminder to an American people whose nation was founded on Biblical principles: “We don’t worry so much about whether we’re going to have earthly rewards; we worry about whether we’re doing right by God Almighty above.

As you read this week’s Decency Minute scripts below or listen to Bill Johnson narrate them by clicking on the links, I urge you to think about the way God is using our president and vice president to bring our nation back to a form of political and cultural common sense. At the same time, we must recognize that spiritual warfare abounds and, as our last Decency Minute makes clear, there is still a real fight that is taking place. America is in a better place than she was, but we must realize that, unless the Hand of God brings our nation to repentance and renewal, it will only be a short-lived reprieve. We MUST be in prayer for those in authority but also that “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.”

May God have continued mercy on our nation, might He bless America once again, and might He make us once again a light shining on a hill, undimmed by the shades of sin which so quickly entangle us. All by His grace and all to His glory!

Cabinet Opens in Prayer

In opening his first cabinet meeting, President Trump invited Housing and Urban Development Secretary Scott Turner to pray. This powerful prayer included: thanksgiving and praise, a petition to God that they might “lead with a righteous clarity,” quoting of Scripture, and closed by praying in Jesus’ name. It was reminiscent of those recorded prayers which took place during the government meetings of our founding fathers.

This prayer was a breath of fresh air; may it be a sign of “spring” – a spiritual awakening within our political processes, as it were.

Though J.C. Ryle made this pithy statement long ago regarding persons, might we find that it’s true for this President and his cabinet as they strive to lead this great nation and instill confidence in her once again: “Praying and sinning will never live together in the same heart. Prayer will consume sin, or sin will choke prayer.”


Military Bottom Line

“Go woke, go broke” isn’t just a warning for businesses that push Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI), regardless of what it does to the bottom line. Those who put a politicized social agenda ahead of the well-being of its investors are meeting with ruin – even in the military – we taxpayers being the investors.

President Trump, being true to his word, and Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth are dismissing high ranking “WOKE” military officials who have aggressively promoted DEI and other leftist ideologies.

For businesses, the bottom line is turning a healthy profit; for the military, Hegseth identifies the bottom line accurately: “Under President Trump, we are putting in place new leadership that will focus our military on its core mission of deterring, fighting, and winning wars.”

By God’s grace, may our military begin to resemble the protective force with moral fighting standards that it was meant to be.


Men Don’t Belong in Women’s Sports

At President Trump’s Congressional address, female Democrat senators wore pink to, supposedly, show support for women’s rights.  Yet the previous day, not one of them voted to protect girls’ sports.  This legislation would have codified Trump’s executive order banning males from female sports.

Yet Democrats continue to ignore God’s revealed Truth and instead cling to their extremism – even though 80% of Americans, including 67% of Democrats, oppose men competing against women.  These senators care nothing about the will of the people they represent – let alone the safety of our daughters.

Seventy-eight percent of Michigan voters want men out of women’s sports.  Yet neither of our Michigan senators voted to protect women.  Contact Senator Peters and Senator Slotkin and let them know they work for you.  Call them at 202-224-3121.


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