3 in 3 for 2-21-25

By: Steve Huston

The American Decency Association (203 E. Main St. Fremont, MI) is grateful to once again call upon Jim Simpson to join us next week for a series of three events – the overriding theme being: Now the Real Battle Begins (Which is also the theme of his latest book).

 Now the Real Battle Begins
(You’ll want to attend all three if at all possible.)

Thursday, March 27 at 1:30 PM
The Marxist Threat Continues:  Now is the time to make their temporary setback permanent

Thursday, March 27 at 6:30 PM
America’s Biggest Vulnerability: Cultural Corruption

Friday, March 28 at 9:00 AM
Now the Real Battle Begins: Breakfast and discussion with Jim, State Rep. Joseph Fox, and others yet to be announced. Egg casserole, breakfast rolls, fruit, etc. will be provided.

NOTE: Registration is requested to guarantee a place for the breakfast.
To register call us at 231-924-4050 or email

To learn more about this event click here.

To learn more about Jim’s latest book, Manufactured Crisis: The War to End America (Sept. 2024), tune in to the Mark Levin show tonight (3-21-25) at 8:20 pm EST. You can listen at https://www.youtube.com/@marklevinshow. Pass the word along and let others know about our event next week and Jim Simpson’s interview tonight!

As you can tell from the Decency Minute scripts below, we’re not outta the woods yet. But remember! the God of the mountains is still the God of the valley and He is the God of “the woods” too. Turn to Him; trust in Him; hope in Him.

America v. American Judges

As President Trump works to restore our nation, leftist judges are striving to block his agenda.  Seemingly with every executive order, an activist judge is ready to issue an injunction to block it.  District judges don’t have the constitutional authority to dictate policy for the entire nation or micromanage the actions of the President.  But that hasn’t stopped them from engaging in judicial tyranny and undermining the separation of powers.

The Supreme Court had an opportunity to rein in this judicial abuse, but failed to do so, as Chief Justice Roberts and Amy Coney-Barrett sided with the liberal wing, allowing a single district judge to dictate the actions of the President.  Pray that in future decisions the Supreme Court will rule rightly and constitutionally.

If these black-robed activists continue to usurp presidential authority, America will become a nation ruled by unelected judges wielding unchecked power.

* Lisa Van Houten has written an excellent article on this topic in April’s edition of our free newsletter, Frontline. Be sure to check it out. If you’re not a subscriber yet and would like to receive Frontline, email kimberly@americandecency.org.


We’re Not Safe Yet

Pro-Trump, anti-Trump, or somewhere in between, we should have learned several things from the 2020 election and the ensuing tyranny that followed.

The issues were many, some ranging from election integrity to COVID practices and so-called vaccinations. There was much fear-mongering and divisiveness coming from all levels of government, pitting its citizens both against each other and our self-governing Constitution, meant to protect all our liberties.

Thank God, we’ve come through it to the other side, a side of common sense and a desire for unity among the masses; but, we’re not safe yet. Given similar circumstances and Leftist propaganda, it could easily become “2020” again.

What can we do?  There must be a reckoning for those who fostered true insurrection, broke constitutional restraints, and came after masses of patriotic citizens. Government must be brought under Constitutional control. Finally, pray that God’s righteousness would rule and overrule.

* For more on this important topic, read an article from The Federalist here.


It Was Obviously Never About the Environment

Just a few years ago, the left was pushing the idea that electric vehicles were the future because they were better for the environment.

Now the left is cheering as terrorists light electric cars on fire, releasing toxic chemicals into the air, all because the owner of the car company supports President Trump.

This just goes to show that it was never really about the environment. The green movement was always a political vehicle, giving anti-American Marxists an excuse to oppose one of the US’ biggest assets: its oil industry.

But now the left has a bigger enemy: Donald Trump; and they’re willing to burn their own interests to the ground – literally!

Failed VP candidate Tim Walz recently reveled in falling Tesla stock on camera, oblivious to the fact that his state employees’ retirement packages are losing value right along with it.

Patriots don’t root for Americans to fail. The left does.


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