3 in 3 for 2-20-25

By: Steve Huston

As I listened to Bill Johnson narrate this week’s Decency Minutes and then read the scripts below, one particular verse kept running through my mind:

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” (Galatians 6:7)

It’s a warning; our actions, whether personal or national, have consequences. History is replete with examples which confirm this and, if we look with discerning eyes, we can see, to some extent, how this has proven true in the lives of those who surround us. According to the Word of God, are these actions righteous or wrong? That will determine the consequences for good or for bad.

One cannot plant tomato seeds and hope to grow blueberries. Neither can one plant the seeds of death, regardless the best intentions behind it, and hope to reap life. One cannot mock God and rightfully hope for His blessing; nor can one throw semi-truck loads of money, “under the cloak of darkness,” to special, hidden agendas and reap the trust of its citizens once the light of discovery and truth is shone upon it. Eventually, one’s sins will find them out.

We can recognize the tree by its fruit; and we must. But, let’s take care to not allow the “seeds of bitterness” to be planted. Instead, take these concerns to the Throne of Grace; let God deal with these things as only He can. Who can tell if the Lord will bring people, or a nation, to repentance through our prayers?

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” (Phil. 4:6)

IVF Ends Lives

Biblically-thinking Christians know these things about the unborn.  One, that each life is created and known by God.  Two, that every life – from the moment of conception – is an image bearer of God and thus deserving of protection.  And three, that God hates the shedding of innocent blood.

However, the practice of in vitro fertilization – IVF – not only turns these tiny lives into a commodity to be sold, but also kills far more babies than are born through IVF.  Only 7 percent of human embryos created via IVF will result in a live birth.  The other 93 percent are either simply discarded or frozen indefinitely.  More babies are killed through IVF than through abortion.

While President Trump’s executive order expanding access to IVF may have been intended to bring more babies into the world, it will have the opposite effect – the destruction of millions of image bearers.


The Makers of Jesus Christ: Superstar Know Exactly What They’re Doing

James 2 tells us that even demons believe in Christ – and tremble!

The same doesn’t hold true for pagan Hollywood producers who gleefully have found another way to mock the Lord.  A new version of the blasphemous play, “Jesus Christ, Superstar” has cast a self-identified “queer” woman to portray the Son of God.

When Jesus looked down from the cross at the soldiers crucifying him, he prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  However, those involved in this profane depiction know exactly what they’re doing and who Christ is.

They may scoff at Him and deny His authority today, but one day they – along with everyone – will stand before the Lord in all His glory.    We who have put our faith in Christ will kneel in worship, while those who have rejected Him will then finally tremble.  Which one will be you?


Go, DOGE, Go!

Perhaps it’s the knowledge that billions of grant dollars towards their pet projects will be on the chopping block, perhaps it’s the fraud that will be found in the IRS or the SSA, perhaps it’s the DEI initiatives that have already been done away with, perhaps its just the fact that DOGE’s success would be a feather in the Trump administration’s hat. The left is up in arms at DOGE’s success, and is going all out to disarm the efficiency agency, AND undo as much as possible.

But, American taxpayers deserve to know what our money is being spent on, and only transparency can give us confidence that it’s not being thrown away on silly projects, at best, and, at worst, projects that go against America’s interest. DOGE is helping to provide that transparency and confidence. It’s important work, and we hope to see their continued success.

“In all cases, the Church is to be judged by the Scripture, not the Scripture by the Church.” ~ John Wesley

“I have never known more than fifteen minutes of anxiety or fear. Whenever I feel fearful emotions overtaking me, I just close my eyes and thank God that He is still on the throne reigning over everything and I take comfort in His control over the affairs of my life.” ~ John Wesley

“The whip or a blow may stir the horse into action, but it does not strengthen it. A conviction of need or a fear of Hell may stir us to go to Christ, but it does not enable or enliven us. Beloved, faith is the grace that strengthens. ‘The just shall live by faith.’” ~ Puritan John Durant

“Among many things, we must consider how to hold our peace, how to be silent without distracting our souls, without complaining against God, and without hindering our learning through affliction. We must be silent in a way that composes our spirits, consents to the Lord’s dealings, and seeks to understand the lessons of affliction. This is our duty, and thus Aaron acted.” ~ Puritan John Durant



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