3 in 3 for 1-24-25

By: Steve Huston

There was never any doubt that each American Decency staff person holds the sanctity of life as precious, but when each one turned in their Decency Minute script for this week and each one mentioned the sanctity of life and President Trump – wow!

Although each of us at American Decency, and most of our readers, could wish that President Trump would take a firmer stance to protect life in the womb, we join in praise to God and with gratitude for our president regarding the news that came across “X” as I sat down to write this week’s 3 in 3:

Donald Trump will pardon pro-life activists targeted by Biden DOJ with the FACE Act, @realDailyWire has learned. Their plight is an immediate priority and they may be pardoned within days.” To read the whole of the article this came from click here.

President Trump is an enigma to be sure, but we can be thankful that the Hand of God’s sovereignty showed mercy and grace upon our land and her citizens once more. As we consider our president in the days to come and as we fulfill the command to pray for him and all those in authority, I believe that my co-worker, Chris Johnson, summed it up well as he closed our February newsletter with these words:

There will be things that Christians wish Trump would say and do during the next four years, that he won’t – whether out of ignorance, or different priorities, or political strategy. There will be things that he says and does that we know God would not have him to do. But we cannot doubt that he is where God would have him to be.

 Keep praying for President Donald Trump.

As you listen to these Decency Minutes narrated by Bill Johnson or read them below, may they be a reminder to pray earnestly for President Trump, that life will be held in high esteem, and that God would be glorified in the United States of America once again. May God bless America.

So Many Changes, but Please, Mr. President, Act for Life!

What received the loudest cheers in President Trump’s inaugural address was this pledge: “As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders: male and female.”

Just hours later President Trump made that official with an Executive Order entitled: “Defending Women from Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government.” Restoring truth and common sense is a theme of many of his Executive Orders.

Thankfully, by God’s grace, President Trump is reversing the collision course set by the last administration.  Leftist ideologies are being rejected and objective truth is being affirmed.  However, one disappointment so far is that little has been done to affirm one of the most important truths – the sanctity of life.   Pray that President Trump will speak out for the unborn and champion that cause as well.


Pray for Our President!

Donald Trump began his presidency with bold actions of support for traditional American values.

Christians should pray that God would continue to bless him and to give him wisdom to lead our nation out of the chaos and wickedness of the previous administration.

As the new administration works to make America prosperous, safe, and just, however, we should also pray that they will remember the lives of the defenseless little Americans in their mothers’ wombs. Trump was called the “most pro-life president” in his previous term, and we hope he will live up to that reputation this time around.

This administration is an answer to prayer, and we must continue to uphold them in prayer, that God would preserve them, that He would surround the president with wise and godly advisors, and that He would, in fact, use this president to Make America Great Again, which can only happen if we turn to God.


Pray That the President Acts for Life!

Regardless the powerful and well-executed inaugural speech, there are many who bemoan the fact that President Trump did not speak into the life issue. Though it saddens we who hold life as sacred, it shouldn’t surprise us. After all, President Trump has softened his stance on abortion and has chosen Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, reported last November on social media, stating: “RFK released a statement in May supporting abortion on demand up until the baby is viable, which is around 22-weeks. Secretary of HHS is in charge of virtually anything abortion related in exec branch.

As we thank God for President Trump and pray for him, his safety, and for his administration, let us also pray that God will impress upon him a more sacred and unwavering view of life.

NOTE: Since the writing of this Decency Minute, news of RFK Jr.’s commitment “to protecting every precious human life, at every stage,” has been made public. To learn more about this development click here.




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