Why Should We Care About the UK On This Independence Day?

By: Chris Johnson

Tomorrow, as the United States celebrates the anniversary of our independence from Great Britain’s colonial rule, the United Kingdom will be casting votes to determine her own political future. While America’s fate is no longer directly tied to “the motherland,” in our globalist world government by NATO, WHO, and UN treaty, the UK’s elections still have an impact on American life. British citizens are selecting the leaders who will help negotiate those treaties.

But besides future world political agreements, there are other reasons for Americans to pay attention to UK elections. For as long as I’ve followed politics, I’ve heard conservative writers and speakers say that America is 10-15 years behind Europe in terms of civilizational development. If that’s the case, this year Americans had better sit up and start paying attention.

While the US as a whole is beginning to understand that conservative warnings over the years about immigration overwhelming our systems have not been exaggerated, Europe is much farther down that path. As of 2022, nearly 15% of UK residents were immigrants, amounting to over 10 million people. This number does not include the children these migrants might have had after settling in the UK. And as “assimilation” is a dirty word in the context of immigration in our day, many immigrants and their proceeding generations represent a culture, or cultures, in conflict with British and wider European traditions.

Now, immigration in the UK has become the key issue for voters heading into their July 4 election weekend. Like the United States, there are two main parties in the UK, the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. Also like the United States, the actual conservative citizens in the UK are absolutely fed up with the party that is supposed to represent them. While the Conservative Party has been in power since 2010, and in spite of the nation’s vote to leave the UN largely for more control of immigration, the issue has only worsened.

“This country’s getting to be a joke, a complete joke,” one Clacton-on-Sea voter said, “Nothing’s like it used to be. There’s just too many people. We can’t handle it.”

In response to the Conservative party’s failures, a third party has emerged, the Reform Party, led by Nigel Farage.

“We’re getting poorer. Our productivity is going down. Our public services are failing. Britain is broken and the population explosion is the main reason why,” Farage told the The Associated Press…

“The latest official figures show that net migration — the number of people moving to the U.K. minus the number of those moving abroad — was 685,000 in 2023, slightly down from a record set in 2022. That’s compared to levels of around 200,000 to 300,000 a year pre-pandemic.

“The figures have been on an upward trend since the 1990s and climbed sharply in recent years, with a large influx of international workers, students and their dependents making up most of the numbers.”

And in this election, in what is considered a referendum on Conservative’s handling of immigration, Labour is expected to control the government for the first time in over a decade. But that’s not the real story. The real story that seems to be developing is the downfall of the Conservatives to the much more truly conservative Reform Party.

“Reform wants the U.K. to leave the European Convention on Human Rights so that asylum-seekers can be deported without interventions from rights courts. The party says it wants to freeze all ‘nonessential immigration’ and bar international students from bringing their families with them, in order, it says, to boost wages and protect ‘British culture and values.’

“While the party does not have widespread support and is competitive in only a handful of constituencies, its message clearly resonates strongly with some voters. Retired couple Sean and Janet Clancy, who say they had voted Conservative all their lives, won’t do so this time because neither the Tories nor Labour are ‘concentrating on England and Great Britain anymore.’

“Polls suggest immigration is an important issue for about two in five British voters — but it is the No. 1 topic typically for older, male Conservative voters who backed Brexit, according to Keiran Pedley, director of politics at the pollster Ipsos U.K.

“‘They no longer trust the Conservatives on this. They don’t support their record, so they’re switching to Reform,’ Pedley said. ‘People could dispute the exact scale of Reform support, but (immigration) is definitely dividing the right in this election.’”

While this AP story claims Reform doesn’t have “widespread support,” the party has been neck and neck with the Conservative party in recent polls, most recently splitting Labour’s opposition between 20% Conservatives and 16% for Reform.  This gives us an idea of who will be ousting the Conservatives from the right in this election, but who will be coming at them from the left?

Reuters gives one answer: “Refugees and immigrants from Commonwealth countries, mainly former territories of the British Empire such as Nigeria, India, and Malaysia, are eligible to vote in British elections.

“Panjak, 27, who came to Britain in February last year, said he was excited to cast his vote after missing the election in his native India.

“’In my country, they don’t allow people from other countries to vote … I came here on a student visa, but they are giving us an opportunity, like British citizens,’ said Panjak who works part-time as an ambassador at his university in Manchester, northwest England.

“Teh Wen Sun, a 33-year-old Malaysian student from Salford, not far from Manchester, said she did not see much difference between the two main parties, but she was keen to vote for a party that is more receptive to immigrants.”

Yes, the United States has much to learn from the United Kingdom, as we deal with immigration here and as we look ahead to November’s elections.

They allow immigrants to come in and vote for more immigration while the natural-born citizens struggle to hang on to the civilization they grew up in. Now, as is happening all throughout Europe, there is a major rightward shift in reaction to mass immigration – but is it too little, too late?

Will the conservative movement which has ridden its anti-globalist, anti-immigration platform to substantial gains in elections in the Netherlands, France, Germany, and the European Union be enough to preserve the cultures and societies that they love?

And as Biden’s candidacy seems to collapse along with his intellect, can we anticipate that rightward shift here in November’s election?

As we spend tomorrow celebrating freedom, let’s remember that the struggle for freedom isn’t over, for us or for the citizens of “democratic” countries around the world.


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