Who’s the Puppet Master?

By: Chris Johnson

On July 22, the Economic Times ran a headline: “Where is Joe Biden? US President has not been seen publicly since drop out announcement.”  At the time, it had been almost a month since the debate with Trump which ended his future political prospects and the day after the social media post which made the announcement official.

But, the question had been on the lips of conservatives for months in advance. As video evidence revealed – and was summarily reviled by the press as “cheap fakes” leading up to the debates – wherever Biden was, he was clearly not running anything, least of all the federal government.

Then Donald Trump debated the next contestant, Kamala Harris. That debate was widely decried as a three-on-one dog pile, as ABC moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis aggressively “fact-checked” the former president, while allowing Kamala Harris’ whoppers to land uncontested. Harris outperformed all expectations in the debate, and in the days following an ABC whistleblower revealed why: she was fed the questions, promised she wouldn’t be fact checked, and able to regurgitate pre-planned responses.

Recent video clips of Harris have suggested that she may even use teleprompters for live interviews and townhalls. One such clip shows what happens when her teleprompter drops out, which is as uncomfortable for the viewers as it appears to be for her.

The most recent and flagrant example of Harris’ apparent inability to articulate her OWN ideas without the help of speechwriters and aides comes from DEI nemesis Christopher Rufo. Rufo broke the story yesterday that in her 2009 book, “Smart on Crime,” Kamala Harris essentially copied and pasted, at length, from multiple sources – including Wikipedia – without citation.

The examples shared by Rufo on X provide side-by-side comparisons of the articles quoted and Harris’ book, and the results would be familiar to any high school English teacher who’s had to explain that just because you changed the percentage symbol to the word ‘percent”, for example, that doesn’t make it your work.

Answers to debate questions pre-planned before the debate, inability to operate (at least at times) without a teleprompter, her own book about her own experiences as a prosecutor featuring multiple examples of plagiarism – it all raises the same questions we had watching Joe Biden in his past year of trying to run the country and run for office while exhibiting signs of dementia.

Who’s actually running this country? When do we get to vote for the people writing the scripts, planning the answers, running the teleprompter, telling the candidate what their positions are going to be the next time they stand in front of a camera?

Clearly, until those folks are up for election, we can’t claim to have a representative form of government because the people deciding what the “president” is going to do and say don’t answer to the American people!

In the current administration and potentially the next, if Harris wins, the presidency has become a figurehead position, where – as Biden’s experience shows – the figurehead can simply be swapped out if they prove to be ineffective.

Yet, the right will be called the threat to democracy.

I’ve been reading Victor Davis Hanson’s latest book, “The End of All Things,” where he reviews the sudden destruction of several ancient civilizations.

Hanson writes in the introduction, “A rendezvous with finality was often completely unexpected…

“Naivete, hubris, flawed assessments of relative strengths and weaknesses, the loss of deterrence, new military technologies and tactics, totalitarian ideologies, and a retreat to fantasy can all explain why these usually rare catastrophic events nevertheless keep recurring… The continual disappearance of prior cultures across time and space should warn us that even familiar twenty-first century states can become as fragile as their ancient counterparts…”

The continuation of our form of government is not a forgone conclusion.

Will America be led by representatives of their own choice or not? That’s what seems to be at stake in this election.


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