If you’re in the Fremont, MI area, we encourage you to join us for prayer tomorrow at the Fremont Walgreens location at 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM at the corner of W. Main St. and North Stone Rd, meeting on the public sidewalk in front of the store. (Please don’t park in the Walgreens parking lot, rather parking is available in the empty grocery store lot across the street.) We want this to be a peaceful and respectful experience, particularly as the employees inside the store are, in all likelihood, naïve of any of this information and are certainly not to blame for Walgreens’ corporate decisions. Any signs or interactions need to reflect our love and respect for the individuals involved. We hope to see you there! Read on to see how Walgreens is joining the abortion industry.
1 Kings 3:17-18 tells us how Solomon became renowned in Israel for his wisdom. Two women came to Solomon, each claiming the other had lain on her own baby in the night, killing him and one accusing the other of swapping her own baby for the other woman’s living child.
“Then the king said, ‘The one says, “’This is my son that is alive, and your son is dead’”; and the other says, “’No; but your son is dead, and my son is the living one.’” And the king said, ‘Bring me a sword.’ So a sword was brought before the king. And the king said, ‘Divide the living child in two, and give half to the one and half to the other.’ Then the woman whose son was alive said to the king, because her heart yearned for her son, ‘Oh, my lord, give her the living child, and by no means put him to death.’ But the other said, ‘He shall be neither mine nor yours; divide him.’ Then the king answered and said, ‘Give the living child to the first woman, and by no means put him to death; she is his mother.’ And all Israel heard of the judgment that the king had rendered, and they stood in awe of the king, because they perceived that the wisdom of God was in him to do justice.”
One of the first tests of Solomon’s God-gifted wisdom placed the life of an infant in his hands as judge, a position that our own Supreme Court will find itself in tomorrow, a million-fold. Tomorrow, the Justices will hear arguments against restrictions on an abortion drug called mifepristone, which Biden’s administration wants to allow to be prescribed and administered with no physician oversight. An abortion doctor could prescribe it after a virtual conference with the mother and send the drug to the mother without any kind of screening, or even a confirmation that the person they communicated with was the person who would take the drugs.
Obviously, there are many differences between this context and Solomon’s. The biggest one, however, is that both of these women, who were prostitutes – probably single moms – were not so confused or wicked as to want their baby to die. These “Iron Age” mothers were more civilized in this way than we are. They approached the king – the judge – wanting to go home with a live baby. In our day, mothers approach the judges looking for more efficient ways to kill their children.
The last time the Supreme Court discussed abortion, of course, they overturned Roe V. Wade, allowing states to ban it through their local legislatures, which is the case in fourteen states. This case threatens to make those bans obsolete, as physicians could prescribe these drugs out of state and mail them across state lines.
Solomon’s judgment, although dramatic, never actually threatened the life of the baby. Tomorrow’s arguments and the ultimate decision will determine the life and death of countless little, unborn infants every year until this wicked practice is completely abolished.
Our prayer is that “the wisdom of God to do justice” would be with the members of the Supreme Court tomorrow as they hear arguments for and against how convenient it ought to be to kill America’s unborn children. The sickening thing is that there will be medical professionals on BOTH sides of the argument.
One of the most troubling aspects of abortion, besides the actual practice itself, is how it’s the industry that supposedly exists to keep people healthy that pushes it the hardest. In our day, a non-Christian Ob-Gyn would likely scold the mothers who came to Solomon for sleeping with their babies while arguing that they should be able to kill them if they’re inconvenient.
It’s our pharmacies, however, that are to be the “sword” the “king” calls for in this case – and it’s not just to gage reactions. Last year, the Family Research Council petitioned CVS and Walgreens, asking them not to dispense abortion-inducing drugs. The petition explained: “The neighborhood pharmacy has always stood as a place of healing, where human suffering can be alleviated thanks to the dedicated work of our local pharmacists. However, by selling the chemical abortion regimen, the local pharmacy will become a place of suffering and death.”
Yet, at the beginning of this month, the two pharmacies announced their plans to sell this controversial abortion drug, mifepristone, in whichever states allow it.
The Washington Stand, a news outlet for the Family Research Council, collected comments from leaders of national pro-life organizations: “Katie Daniel, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America’s state policy director, described the policy as ‘reckless,’ and she said, ‘As two of the world’s largest, most trusted ‘health’ brands, the decision by CVS and Walgreens to sell dangerous abortion drugs is shameful, and the harm to unborn babies and their mothers incalculable.’
“Dr. Ingrid Skop, a board-certified OB-GYN and vice president of the pro-life research group Charlotte Lozier Institute, said, ‘By pushing these medically unsupervised abortions, the FDA and abortion advocates continue down the slippery slope of chipping away at medical standards for women seeking abortion. This is not health care.’ Rather, she added, it’s ‘an ideology that prioritizes destruction of unborn human life and does not care that the women injured by these abortions, whom I see in the ER on a regular basis, are collateral damage.’
“Mary Szoch, director of the Center for Human Dignity at FRC, commented to The Washington Stand, ‘Converting pharmacies into abortion facilities transforms these companies from places of healing and health that support life in all stages into facilities that kill children and place their mother’s lives in danger.’ She continued, ‘Based on CDC data, about one in 25 patients will go to the ER after taking mifepristone. Furthermore, pharmacies are not equipped to evaluate if a woman is in a situation of intimate partner violence and is being forced to take the abortion drug mifepristone.’
“But Szoch also emphasized that the problem goes beyond ‘the killing of countless babies,’ because ‘Walgreens and CVS are [also] recklessly putting women’s lives in danger.’ And she added that they should be held accountable for this. But considering that may not happen, she urged that ‘women who are injured by mifepristone should take action against CVS and Walgreens, pro-lifers should stand up and protest these companies, [and] state AGs should hold Walgreens and CVS legally liable for any violations of laws protecting the unborn in their state.’”
In response to this betrayal of both their purpose and their customer base, American Decency is helping to organize a prayer vigil and protest outside of our local Walgreens. Walgreens’ customers need to know what this business stands for. Christians have protested abortion clinics for decades, but now – over half of abortions are done with pills rather than surgeries. If Walgreens and CVS are going to be distributing those pills, they ought to be confronted just like the abortion doctors they ally with.
If you’re in the Fremont, MI area, we encourage you to join us for prayer tomorrow at the Fremont Walgreens location at 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM at the corner of W. Main St. and North Stone Rd, meeting on the public sidewalk in front of the store. (Please don’t park in the Walgreens parking lot, rather parking is available in the empty grocery store lot across the street.) We want this to be a peaceful and respectful experience, particularly as the employees inside the store are, in all likelihood, naïve of any of this information and are certainly not to blame for Walgreens’ corporate decisions. Any signs or interactions need to reflect our love and respect for the individuals involved. We hope to see you there!
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