Volkswagen has taken a ride down the wrong road – tell them to turn around!

By: Steve Huston

Tell Volkswagen to TURN AROUND!

The title I’ve chosen will likely evoke strong feelings when really it should cause each reader to stop and think. I imagine that for most, one’s worldview will dictate what those strong feelings will be, but facts – not feelings – should be what drives the narrative.

It’s not because I simply believe a certain way or am offended by various lifestyles that brings me to the conclusion that Volkswagen has taken a ride down the wrong road. In other words, I don’t look within for a standard of morality; neither do I base my decisions by “how I feel” or what members of my family believe or do; nor do I side with the majority, regardless which morality they claim to support. Having attended the Grant, Michigan Fine Arts Center this weekend to watch their well-performed Fiddler on the Roof production and my youngest running around the house singing “Tradition,” I’m reminded to include, here, that it’s not for the sake of tradition that I am disgusted with Volkswagen’s choice of road to travel, either.

Volkswagen has taken a ride down the wrong road because they are driving against God and His Word. Whenever you, I, some business, or the government chooses to sin – disobey what God has said to do or refrain from doing – we have only two choices: put it in reverse (repent and start doing what is right) or speed merrily along to destruction (continue in our sin).

He is God! That means He is Creator and knows what is best for us individually, as a culture, and a nation. He sets the rules and He will judge by those rules. One day every person – whether they believe in Him or not – will stand before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account of what they’ve done in the body, for good or for bad (2 Cor. 5:10).

Regarding Volkswagen specifically: 1. God designed us to be sexual beings and set boundaries regarding sexuality FOR OUR OWN GOOD. 2. Marriage was God’s idea, he set the criteria for marriage – one man, one woman, joined by and with Him until death, and it’s so sacred that He uses it as an example of Jesus’ relationship with us. 3. God designed the family as the primary building block for society; when the family crumbles that culture and society crumbles. Volkswagen has chosen to speed along against God, putting our culture in the passenger seat, with destruction as its final destination.

If you’re not familiar with the Volkswagen ad I’m referring to, here is One Million Moms’ (1MM) description of it:

The ad depicts two women dressed in wedding attire, leaving a little white chapel, hand in hand after their ceremony. Then they kiss in their Volkswagen before driving away. Obviously, Volkswagen is promoting same-sex marriage to please a small percentage of customers while pushing away conservative customers.

 Volkswagen is using its ad to subject families to the decay of cultural morals and values while belittling the sanctity of marriage and attempting to redefine family. Even though homosexuality is unnatural, this advertisement is pushing the LGBTQ agenda. An even greater concern is that the controversial commercial is airing when children are likely to watch television. The ad first aired a couple of weeks ago during the 2024 Super Bowl, but even worse, it is also seen by unsuspecting young audiences on Disney+.

Here’s a link to sign 1MM petition, urging Volkswagen to pull this ad immediately. It’s an opportunity for you to stand and let your voice be heard, telling Volkswagen, “You’re going down the wrong road, turn around!”

It’s important that we don’t just go by our feelings regarding these types of ads. The fact is that God says this is wrong. The fact is that sin leads to the destruction of self, families, cultures, and nations. Take a stand; teach your children the difference between right and wrong and between the holy and the profane. Show them in God’s Word, through history, and through personal examples around us, how sin destroys. We must become more than a feeling people; we must learn to think and base our decisions on fact.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” (Prov. 9:10)


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