It’s one week before the 2024 presidential election; my hope is firmly planted in the Lord, yet I’m concerned about the violence that’s likely to follow. “Violence” takes on many forms and whether it’s aimed at one’s opponent or the population as a whole, violence should NEVER have a place in American politics and, in general, it shouldn’t be deemed acceptable. Yet, as we’ve witnessed from recent history and the Left’s acrid threats, there may be a violent “price to pay” regardless of who wins. As libertarian commentator Brandon Smith stated: “The bottom line is that no matter who ends up in the White House in 2025 there will be mass violence, but most of this violence will be reserved for the possibility of Donald Trump’s return.”
If Donald Trump wins the election, how can we expect anything but violence; it’s encouraged by the Left and perpetuated against Trump supporters now. Recently in West Michigan an elderly lady was walking through neighborhoods passing out Trump yard signs and some young men wrote “F—Trump” on a golf ball and threw it at her. Now she’s very fearful. What about the University of Kansas instructor who said that men who refuse to vote for Kamala Harris should be lined up and shot? Violence from the Left is real and burgeoning.
Journalist Mark Halperin, interviewed by Tucker Carlson, warned that a Trump victory could result in the “greatest mental health crisis” in U.S. history among the Left. “I don’t think it will be kind of a passing thing that by the inauguration will be fine. I think it will be sustained and unprecedented and hideous… I think there’ll be workplace fights, there’ll be fights at kids’ birthday parties, I think there’ll be protests that will turn violent… Tens of millions of people…think that their fellow citizens supporting Trump is a sign of fundamental evil at the heart of their fellow citizens and of the nation.”
John Daniel Davidson for The Federalist: “Kamala Harris is priming Democrats for violent resistance.” Continuing, “Harris has been deploying increasingly extreme rhetoric about Trump and the dangers he poses to the country… The purpose of it isn’t just to scare voters into casting their ballot against the former president, or to provoke some unstable would-be assassin into taking a shot at Trump.” He concludes that the purpose in “preparing the ground for massive civic unrest…would be to cripple Trump’s administration before he even takes office, and to disrupt normal life for so many Americans that they will rue the day they ever voted for Trump.”
Brandon Smith: “If Trump enters office again the rioting America dealt with in 2020 will be a cakewalk compared to 2025. Progressives claim they are ‘protecting democracy’ but you will see very quickly that as soon as democracy doesn’t go their way they will abandon it in a heartbeat and seek to prevail using other methods… ‘monkey wrenching’ followed by riots, looting and disruptions in major cities.”
If Kamala Harris wins the election, we can expect that which she accuses Donald Trump of; the Left signals their intentions by accusing their opponents of the same. Just two of these accusations would include: Being a fascist dictator and using the military/Department of Defense to round up Americans and put them in camps for opposing him. Add to this the expansion of DoD Directive 5240.01 on September 27, 2024, which gives the U.S. military authority to assist in domestic law enforcement activities— “including the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens in certain circumstances.” Remember, this change comes only weeks before an election, “already surrounded by concerns about unrest, civil liberties, and potential government overreach.” ( Add to that, “the Department of Homeland Security has recently broadened its definition of domestic terrorism, with the list of potential threats now including individuals who question election integrity as well as vaccine efficacy and the origins of the pandemic.” (CLG NEWS)
The current violence in this administration will continue and expand: Expansion of abortion rights and to federally codify them, increased illegal immigration and the violence which accompanies it (crime, disease, economic, political), and human trafficking has more than tripled (, to name a few.
Yes, it’s likely that some “violence” is in our near future. Christian, do not fear, but do prepare physically and spiritually.
First, politically/physically: “Leftists tend to engage in warfare while conservatives tend to engage in politics. Leftists use any means necessary and feel thoroughly justified. … We don’t have to abandon our moral compass, but the sooner we realize that war is being waged on us the sooner we can defend ourselves against it.” Be prepared: “The best way to counter indiscriminate violence is with directed and focused self-defense, along with the proper supplies to keep you going until things calm down.” (Brandon Smith)
Second, above all, prepare spiritually: Intense chaos seems imminent. There are many good people, but evil has descended like a thick fog, disorientating many. Men of straw or “chocolate soldiers” (C.T. Studd) will not save the day. Samuel Chadwick rightly describes the men who are so desperately needed: “They are men conscious of a divine mission, inspired by a great faith, sustained in prayer and men who count not their lives dear unto themselves. They carry the burden of the people’s shame and woe. The open victory is the fruit of secret prayers and tears. Such men may appear suddenly, but they are not made in a day.”
Only men of fervent, persistent prayer who are emboldened by God’s grace to proclaim unadulterated truth and righteousness will meet today’s need. May we follow our Lord’s advice: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.” And in the spirit of the season – “In EVERYTHING give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
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