Two Days to the GREAT RESET!

By: Steve Huston



WHO: Jay Jusino

WHAT: The Great Reset

WHEN: Thursday, October 17 at 2:30 p.m.

WHY: Christians need to be aware of the times in which they live and know what to do as we see “the day” approaching

WHERE: American Decency Association, 203 E. Main St, Fremont, MI.

RESERVE your seat: 231-924-4050 We are drawing near our capacity!


In 1957, Richard M. Weaver began his essay entitled On Setting the Clock Right with these words:

Isn’t it curious that almost any serious social criticism today will be met with the retort that ‘You can’t turn the clock back’? If one hints that atomic energy may not be a good thing for mankind in its present state of moral development, one is accused of turning his back on the future. If one suggests that the war of unlimited objectives really settles no more than previous wars have done but entails immensely greater destruction of life and property, one is charged with wanting to return to the horse and buggy days. If one remarks that both theory and observation prove that collectivism is fatal to individual liberty, one is blamed for being out of step with the times. If one hazards an opinion that the amount of noise and confusion prevailing today is perhaps not the best thing for the human psyche, one is branded the enemy of progress. In fact, I can’t think of any objection to the present physical and moral order which will not likely be answered with some variety of the charge that the critic wants to turn the clock back.

Though times have changed and some of the above are issues belong to the past, there are still those who push “progressive” models and, likewise, there are those who offer thoughtful objections to or question said models (communism/globalism, transgender surgeries and hormone blockers for children and teens, etc.), only to be simply put off, being accused of just longing for the good old days or wanting to “turn the clock back.” To this Mr. Weaver rightly asks: “What is it that allows them (the progressives) to imagine they have the clincher in any debate over conduct or social policy when they assert that the future dictates a certain line of action to which alternatives are only futile attempts to move back the hour hand?

After all, many globalists and communists believe that it’s a forgone conclusion that globalism and the Great Reset are the only course for the future; it’s just that pesky U.S. Constitution that gets in the way. They are a committed lot; they will “move heaven and earth” to destroy or bypass the American “law of the land” that protects us from their evil machinations.

In some sense, this describes Jay’s handling of the Great Reset; he’ll show us their plans (in their own words) and point us to our Biblical responsibility to be aware and stay faithful by looking to “the old paths,” for they bring us a deep peace within. For more detailed information on this event and what we are expecting to hear from Jay click here and read some of our more recent email alerts on this.

I’m confident that after attending Jay’s lecture this Thursday and giving it thoughtful consideration, we’ll be able to answer those who angrily accuse us of being afraid of progress or simply refusing to embrace the future with the sentiments that Mr. Weaver shares at the end of his essay:

“We must prove again that the rewards of civil living and imaginative culture are not things existing by accident in the interstices of an iron fate, but are the creation of ideas that transcend the flow of time. Thus we can show not only that the horrors of 1984 can be avoided but also that the high forms of human achievement in the past are, in essence, recoverable. Then our response to the old chestnut ‘You can’t turn the clock back’ will be ‘I’m not turning it back; I’m setting it right.” (emphasis added)

Be sure to reserve your spot for this Thursday; invite friends and family to join you. Get informed from a tremendous researcher who has a heart for God and a compassion for people.

In closing, know this: The only way to have great peace during the world’s Great Reset is to whole-heartedly commit to the law of God, embracing His grace and mercy and trusting in His Word. “Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. (Ps. 119:165)

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