The WHO’s Revolution

By: Chris Johnson

In 1971, British rock band, The Who, released their legendary counter-revolutionary anthem, “Won’t Get Fooled Again.” The song expresses a bleak outlook for the changing world entering the seventies, with statements like, “We’ll be fighting in the streets with our children at our feet, and the morals that they worshipped will be gone” and “We were liberated from the fold, that’s all.”

The point of that song was that after all the damage done by revolution had taken place, we’d “meet the new boss, same as the old boss.” The same people would still be in charge. And all songwriter Pete Townsend could do was “Get down on my knees and pray we won’t be fooled again.”

But I’ve got bad news for Pete Townsend. While his band, the Who, was counter revolutionary, the World Health Organization (WHO) is behind the next revolution. It remains to be seen whether “we won’t get fooled again.”

We can meet the planned “new boss” right now. It’s WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. We’re just going to call him Dr. Tedros.

Dr. Tedros is an Ethiopian scientist with the distinction of being the first African Director-General of the WHO. Prior to his time at the global health organization, Tedros had a long career in Public Health in his own country, as well as experience as a diplomat.

While that all sounds like a life of public service, there are some shadows on his career. The political party he joined in his own country, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front has roots in Marxism. It has been recognized by surrounding countries, and the United States, as a terrorist organization for certain periods of its history. More recently – at the height of the Covid Pandemic – Tedros was chastised for his close ties to China, which has “about 400 Chinese construction and manufacturing projects in Ethiopia, valued at over $4 billion,” according to the United States Institute of Peace, which calls Ethiopia, “a centerpiece of [China]’s Africa policy.”

Whether he will be “the new boss” will be decided at the 77th World Health Assembly, which takes place at the end of May. There, Member States will vote whether or not to accept changes to the “International Health Regulations” and the “Pandemic Agreement,” which govern how the various members will function should the World Health Organization declare another pandemic.

The unified voice against these changes has been the “Sovereignty Coalition,” which describes itself as “ a non-partisan group of patriotic, public policy-minded leaders, organizations and individuals who share a profound commitment to the U.S. Constitution and the God-given freedoms it guarantees.

The Sovereignty Coalition is a project of our friend and frequent conference speaker, Frank Gaffney’s, organization, the Center for Security Policy.

In an April 2 Press release, they summarized their concerns: “…not only the surrender of national sovereignty entailed in ceding authority to Dr. Tedros, but: creating a global surveillance system; requiring nations to institute censorship mechanisms; and establishing a clearinghouse for deadly pathogens that threatens to exacerbate the proliferation of biological agents and the risks of widespread depopulation.”

While revisions to the rules to be voted on are still being hammered out, Reggie Littlejohn, co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, has been keeping careful track of them as they’re made public: “According to the most recent draft of the IHR (International Health Regulations) amendments, Littlejohn said, “They want to strike the word ‘non-binding,’ so that the IHR would become binding and the WHO would go from being an advisory body to a regulatory body.”

Littlejohn said that there is also, “language in the IHR amendments that allows the WHO to step in and take power even without declaring a pandemic or a public health emergency. It just has to be a potential public health risk.”

Adding to this concern is WHO’s attention to racism as a health concern. Their website states, “The World Health Organization supports national and local authorities in addressing racial discrimination and related health inequities. This work includes integrating human rights, equity, gender responsive and intercultural approaches to guide public health policies and ensure that communities experiencing racial discrimination have access to comprehensive, culturally appropriate and quality health services.”

Meanwhile, WHO’s One Health approach, in their own words, “is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems.”

With these emphases, anything WHO identifies as discrimination or environmental issues or dangers to other organisms might trigger this totalitarian takeover, all in the name of World Health.

I can’t encourage you enough to go to the, to watch their webinars and find more information. There you will also have the opportunity to sign a petition to President Biden saying, “’Not Now.’ The vote on the two treaties scheduled for the May 27 to June 2 World Health Assembly must be delayed. Final drafts should have been circulated on January 27, yet the final texts are still being negotiated. You don’t want him binding us to a ‘global governance’ arrangement without an informed national debate about these two, deeply problematic treaties and absent the U.S. Senate advising and consenting to them.”

Finally, let’s take the Who’s, not the WHO’s, advice and “Get down on our knees and pray we won’t be fooled again!”


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