Take Action Against TikTok

By: Steve Huston

TikTok, time’s running out – for the health and safety of your children, that is. Do you have a child that’s been harmed by TikTok? Near the end of this article, we share a website that will help you take action against this deliberate attack on your teen.

The late Donald E. Wildmon, founder of American Family Association (AFA) and American Family Radio (AFR), unapologetically believed that man was created in the image of God; that sin mars and distorts that image; that God’s people are to live holy lives, abstaining from those things which would further distort that image and destroy America’s culture; and that television’s and media’s humanistic programing was purposefully aimed at annihilating America, its people, and its culture – a country, people, and culture which had been founded by, on, and for God’s good purpose.  Recognizing the dangers, he asked, “What’s at stake?” to which he prophetically wrote these words in his book, The Home Invaders:

What is at stake in all of this goes far beyond sex and violence on television. What is at stake here is whether we will remain a country that accepts the Judeo-Christian concept of right and wrong, or turn our backs on centuries of progress to embrace practical atheism. The kind of society our children and our children’s children will live in is at stake. Our nation will reap what we sow. That is a truth you can deposit and draw interest on.

We can have a society that recognizes God and His moral standards, or we can have a godless society which recognizes the humanist religion with no absolute morals or values. We cannot, however, have both as equals. We cannot have a society where we recognize human life as both precious and a convenience.” (p. 41-42)

It would be natural for you to wonder why I begin an article on taking action against TikTok with these words from 1985, thirty-nine years ago, long before TikTok or other social media platforms were a spark in their inventor’s eye. It’s simply this, had we – the church or the nation – learned discernment regarding television habits and stood firmly on absolute Biblical truth, we would not be having such difficulty traversing the seas of TikTok and other social media and technologies being made available to us today.

Due to warnings unheeded, here we are in 2024 with the chickens having come home to roost; our culture is crumbling around us and our children are the worse for it. The fault is not entirely TikTok’s, but we must realize that this CCP “unrestricted warfare” attack on our most precious resource is taking a toll and taking prisoners – our children. We must also shamefacedly admit that we’ve not done a good enough job in the church of sounding a clarion call where holiness and social media are concerned. Finally, we must take corrective steps for our children’s sake and hold our enemies accountable for the damage they’ve done.

American Decency Association has been sounding the alarm regarding the many dangers associated with TikTok. Regarding political warfare, “It seeks to advance the influence of the Chinese regime and its interests in every country where TikTok is allowed.” This CCP tool is also well-known for its data mining on the American people. Perhaps most germane to our discussion here, the Chinese version of this app is geared for the educating of Chinese teens while the American teens are unwittingly being dumbed down; put at physical, psychological, and emotional risk; and caught up in its addictive algorithms, with a different version of this app.

First Things magazine reports, in an online exclusive, that one company – ClaimsHero – has joined forces with a couple of attorneys “to target TikTok, arguing specifically that TikTok needs to be held accountable for allegedly designing its app to exploit and addict American children.”

Within this article one can read that:

*  According to Pew Research Center, after YouTube, TikTok is the most used social media app, with sixty-seven percent of thirteen to seventeen year-old American teens using it.

*  TikTok is a weapon targeted at America’s youth, featuring violent, sexual, and suicidal content that targets children as young as 12 years old.

One study showed that when US thirteen-year-old teens set up a new account with TikTok, they were shown suicide content within 2.6 minutes and eating disorder content within eight minutes. The Chinese version limits children to only 40 minutes a day and their content is of educational value.

The company ClaimsHero says parents whose children have been hurt by TikTok can join the fight by joining 46 out of 50 state Attorneys General in taking action against them. ClaimsHero is “a consumer arbitration platform that helps little guys battle big guys in arbitration cases. ClaimsHero is not itself a law firm, only a service that helps people with claims get in touch with the right attorneys and that shows them how to manage the complex arbitration process.” “Visit claimshero.io, where you can fill out a brief intake survey if someone in your family has been harmed.” (First Things)

Parents and grandparents, we urge you to be aware of what is happening with your young one’s devices. Learn about the dangers, limit their time and what they can be on, and make the time to have intentional conversations with them. There is a great need for spiritual direction and technological boundaries in their lives. Most importantly pray for them and with them regularly.


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