No Line Kamala Harris Won’t Cross

By: Lisa Van Houten

It’s hard to nail down presidential candidate Kamala Harris on any of her policy positions except one:  abortion.  Her position on abortion is as extreme as it can get – no exceptions, no limits, no protections, and no recognition of the humanity of the unborn baby being killed.  Her quest is to usher in unlimited, unrestricted abortion nationwide, while ignoring the fact that abortion not only intentionally ends a human life, it also harms women physically and emotionally, and is used by men to shirk their responsibilities and hide abuse of minors.

She has proven in recent days that there is virtually no line she won’t cross to implement her abortion agenda, including subverting constitutional order, lying to the American people, and seeking to undermining Biblical truth.

Earlier this week Harris advocated for getting rid of the Senate filibuster in order to pass radical federal legislation that will legalize unrestricted abortion nationwide, overturning any state laws that limit abortion in any way.

The Senate filibuster rule has stood since the very first session of the Senate in 1789 and requires 60 votes to pass legislation.  The framers of our Constitution established the Senate as a legislative body where cooler heads are supposed to prevail, to balance out the House of Representatives. Yet if Harris is successful in eliminating the filibuster, the most radical legislation can be passed with a simple majority of 51 votes – undermining our constitutional system that has stood since our founding.

Former Democratic Senators Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.) denounced Harris’s plan, stating: “She knows the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy. It’s the only thing that keeps us talking and working together,” adding that the filibuster “stabilizes our democracy, promotes bipartisan cooperation, and protects our nation from partisan whiplash and dysfunction.”

MaryBeth Waddell of Family Research Council, warned of the ramifications, stating: “The filibuster is a critically important tool to ensure the Senate remains the greatest deliberative body in the world. It ensures that the law will be stable and not reactionary. Without it, every change in power will create a seesaw of laws … This would be detrimental to society and the very fabric of our constitutional republic. Our Founders were very concerned about the harms of majority or mob rule, and that would be the result of carving up the filibuster.”

Yet just as Harris doesn’t seem bothered about the ramifications of eliminating this protection to constitutional order, she also has no qualms about misleading, actually outright lying to, American voters.     Kamala Harris baselessly blamed the death of 28-year-old Amber Thurman, who died from abortion complications, upon former President Donald Trump and pro-life state laws.  In actuality, the death of this young woman is the result of negligence from the abortion industry.

As Family Research Council (FRC) reports“Thurman traveled to neighboring North Carolina to have an aspiration abortion, technically known as a dilation and curettage (D & C) abortion, when she was nine weeks pregnant. However, she arrived a few minutes late for her appointment, so the abortionist’s office gave her the abortion pill — a two-drug cocktail of mifepristone and misoprostol — and sent her home. She took the abortion pill, which is known for a panoply of harmful side effects including incomplete abortion, and waited at her home in Georgia. She had an incomplete abortion, with fetal tissue remaining inside her body, creating infection.”  Thurman developed sepsis and, with no follow-up from the abortion facility, after four days went to a hospital in her home state of Georgia. Yet, as FRC reports, “Georgia physicians did not administer the appropriate standard of care, which remains legal under Georgia’s pro-life protections …”  (Read the entire FRC article for more information about this tragic case.)

Yet Kamala Harris outrighted lied by stating: “But when she (Amber Thurman) returned to Georgia, she needed additional care, so she went to a hospital. But, you see, under the Trump abortion ban, her doctors could have faced up to a decade in prison for providing Amber the care she needed. Understand what a law like this means: Doctors have to wait until the patient is at death’s door before they take action.”

That is an outright lie. There is no state in this country where it is illegal for a procedure to be performed that saves the life of a mother. Dr. Christina Francis, CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life OB/GYNs (AAPLOG), called out the vice president’s pro-abortion claims, stating that Amber’s death was not the result of Georgia’s abortion law. “No pro-life law in the country prevents OB/GYNs like me from intervening when a woman is facing a potentially life-threatening complication of her pregnancy. They do not have to be knocking on death’s door before we can intervene. Madam Vice President: Stop lying to my patients! Your lies are harming women and they’re harming physicians!” Dr. Francis added: “Dangerous lies about abortion drugs and state abortion laws are killing women.” There’s not a single state law in this country that prosecutes women who have had abortions, and there’s not a single state law in the entire country that prevents doctors like me from intervening to manage complications, especially complications that we see routinely after women take abortion drugs.” (Read more here.)

That hasn’t stopped the media collusion who has picked up Kamala Harris’s false claims to smear pro-life laws and smear Donald Trump.  The sad reality is, Amber Thurman didn’t die because she couldn’t obtain access to abortion, but rather she died as the result of an unregulated abortion industry that gives women abortion-inducing drugs, known for harmful complications, and sends them home with no care or follow-up.

In yet another duplicitous effort to sway religious Americans to vote for her, Kamala Harris takes a page out of the serpent’s playbook, who whispered to Eve, “Hath God actually said?”

Kamala Harris, who shows no evidence of being a Christian herself, is now claiming that Christians “do not need to abandon their faith to believe that the government … should not tell a woman what to do with her body.”  Yet, what Harris ignores when she talks about so-called reproductive rights, is that reproduction has already occurred.  Abortion doesn’t stop reproduction; it kills another distinct human being. 

Famed NFL coach Tony Dungy responded to Harris, stating: “Are you talking about the Christian faith that says all babies are made in the image of God (Gen 1:26), that God places them in the womb (Jer 1:5) and that we should not take any life unjustly (Luke 18:20)?” Dungy went on to add: “What faith says that taking a life is OK? And what faith says a baby in the womb is not a life?”

Kamala Harris ignores the humanity of those unborn babies.  The bottom line is: No true believer can support her wicked agenda.


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