American Decency Association
203 E. Main Street
Fremont, MI 49412
Thursday, March 21 at 1:00 and 6:30 PM
Mark your calendar for this Thursday, March 21 for the documentary “Let My People Go.” Showings are at 1:00 and 6:30 PM. We will have a few take action suggestions as well following the movie.
Little by little more and more people are becoming aware of the movie “Let My People Go.” It is a movie with great impact and importance. Pat Colbeck has called it perhaps the movie that best documents the fraud of the 2020 election.
At our Kamal Saleem event last Thursday, I asked how many believe that our 2020 election was fraudulent. I imagine there was someone who didn’t raise their hand in affirmation but I didn’t see it amidst all of the hands that shot up!
How many times have you heard the statement, “If we don’t have a fair election this time, we will lose our republic?” (or something to that import).
Many weren’t even aware of the articles below. Were those raising their hands incorrect? Not according to these following articles. Read carefully.
May they serve as a rallying cry to come to the movie and see for yourself as the discrepancies are examined – one by one.
Michigan Has More Registered Voters Than Eligible Citizens in 53 Counties, Says RNC Lawsuit
The Republican National Committee on Wednesday filed a federal lawsuit pressing an earlier demand that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson take steps to purge voter rolls of what it previously described as suspiciously — and in many counties, impossibly — high numbers of registered voters.
Republicans say registered voters outnumber the voting age population in most Michigan counties, including those in metro Detroit.
The Republican National Committee on Wednesday filed a federal lawsuit pressing an earlier demand that Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson take steps to purge voter rolls of what it previously described as suspiciously — and in many counties, impossibly — high numbers of registered voters.
New RNC Leadership Sues Dirty MI SOS Jocelyn Benson and MI Elections Director and ERIC Chair Jonathan Brater: At least 53 MI Counties Have MORE ACTIVE REGISTERED VOTERS Than Citizens Over 18 Yrs Old | The Gateway Pundit | by Patty McMurray
The last of these articles is more hard hit as you can see from the headline.
…. While several states have dropped ERIC, the Electronic Registration Information Center formerly led by Democrat activist David Becker, the state of MI continues to pay ERIC, which is now chaired by Michigan’s Director of Elections Jonathan Brater, who was handpicked for the position by Jocelyn Benson, to ‘clean’ its voter rolls. So far, ERIC has [intentionally?] failed miserably at that task, leaving all-volunteer groups like Check My Vote to find fake addresses, fake voters, dead voters, and voters who no longer live in the state and fighting to get them removed from the voter rolls.
The lawsuit states that MI SOS Benson and BOE Director Brater/ERIC chair have failed to meet the requirements outlined in section 8 of the NRVA, or National Voter Registration Act, which requires the states to maintain clean and accurate voter registration records. ….
Comparing the registered active voter count to the 2022 Census data reveals that these 53 counties have active voter registration rates at or above 100 percent of their citizen voting-age populations.
The 53 MI counties with registration rates at or above 100% of the adult population include:
Alcona (112%), Allegan (104%), Alpena (101%), Antrim (111%), Arenac (104%), Barry (102%), Benzie (108%), Berrien (102%), Calhoun (101%), Cass (101%), Charlevoix (105%), Cheboygan (104%), Crawford (110%), Delta (104%), Dickinson (100%), Emmet (104%), Genesee (104%), Gladwin (103%), Gogebic (101%), Grand Traverse (101%), Huron (100%), Iosco (104%), Iron (106%), Kalkaska (115%), Kent (100%), Keweenaw (114%), Lapeer (102%), Leelanau (108%), Livingston (102%), Mackinac (114%), Macomb (101%), Mason (104%), Menominee (101%), Missaukee (106%), Monroe (100%), Montmorency (110%), Muskegon (101%), Newaygo (103%), Oakland (101%), Oceana (105%), Ogemaw (106%), Ontonagon (101%), Osceola (101%), Oscoda (110%), Otsego (111%), Presque Isle (107%), Roscommon (110%), Schoolcraft (107%), Shiawassee (102%), St. Clair (102%), Van Buren (104%), Wayne (101%), and Wexford (105%).
An additional 23 counties have active voter registration rates exceeding 90 percent of adult citizens over 18. That figure far eclipses the national and statewide voter registration rate in recent elections,” the lawsuit reads.
The 23 MI counties with voter registration rates over 90% of adult citizens include:
Alger (98%), Baraga (95%), Bay (99%), Branch (96%), Clinton (98%), Eaton (98%), Hillsdale (95%), Jackson (94%), Kalamazoo (95%), Lake (98%), Lenawee (95%), Luce (99%), Manistee (99%), Marquette (93%), Mecosta (91%), Midland (100%), Montcalm (95%), Ottawa (98%), Saginaw (99%), Sanilac (97%), St. Joseph (99%), Tuscola (98%), and Washtenaw (93%).
The RNC lawsuit states, “This is not the first time Michigan has failed to abide by the NVRA’s requirements. In 2020, Michigan election officials were sued in this Court for violating the NVRA.” The lawsuit cites Daunt v. Benson, Doc. 1, No. 1:20-cv-522 (W.D. Mich. June 9, 2020):
At the time, Michigan had one county with registration rates in excess of 100% of the voting-age population and 15 counties with rates above 90%. The state defendants moved to dismiss the case, but this Court denied the motions.
Soon after the Court denied the motions to dismiss, the Secretary of State publicly announced that election officials would cancel the registration of 177,000 former voters who either surrendered a Michigan driver’s license to another state or had election mail returned undeliverable to an election official before the 2018 election. In addition, the Bureau of Elections declared it would provide local election clerks the absentee ballot applications returned undeliverable to the Bureau for the 2020 election, and it would mail additional notifications requiring verification to voters listed as registered in other states by the Electronic Registration Information Center. Based on these representations, the plaintiffs voluntarily dismissed the case.
But since Daunt, Michigan’s voter rolls have gotten exponentially worse. In 2020, Michigan had one county with registration rates above 100% of the voting-age population. Now it has 53.
The lawsuit states, ‘Michigan’s impossibly high registration rates, large rates of inactive registered voters, low numbers of address confirmations, and low numbers of removals indicate an ongoing, systemic problem with its voter list maintenance efforts, adding, “Defendants’ failure to maintain accurate voter rolls violates federal law and jeopardizes the integrity of the State’s upcoming elections.’
The Gateway Pundit was the first to break the story of a statewide investigation into a massive voter registration fraud scheme that began only one month before the 2020 election. MI SOS Jocelyn Benson not only hid the Michigan State Police and Muskegon Police investigation from voters, but according to multiple clerks across the state of Michigan whom we spoke with, she also kept it hidden from them as well.
MI AG Dana Nessel also kept the investigation, where ‘several crimes were committed,’ hidden from the public. Why? Could it be because fake registrations, once entered into the system, could take years to be removed from the state’s qualified voter rolls if they are ever discovered? ….
To see this article in its entirety: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/new-rnc-sues-dirty-mi-sos-jocelyn-benson/
This is higher than politics. This is about integrity in voting. It’s time for all of us to open our hearts and eyes and minds to what is true and be very careful that we are following the truth where it leads.
We want you see the movie, “Let My People Go,” because it describes the corruption that is carefully/slyly hidden from most of us. Join us in our auditorium (203 E. Main St, Fremont, MI), Thursday, March 21 with showings at 1:00 and 6:30 pm.
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