The state of Michigan has taken steps to embrace the false god “Thanatos,” the ancient Greek personification of death, by over-turning our strong, life-honoring, mother-protecting anti-abortion laws, thereby making it now “legal” to murder one’s own child in the womb. It only makes sense to wonder if our law banning physician-assisted suicide (PAS) will also catch a fatal blow, in a further effort to sacrifice more lives on Thanatos’ alter of death. Will the people of Michigan opt for life or will they further embrace and serve death? Dear Reader, this isn’t only a question for the state of Michigan; it’s a question for whichever state of the union in which you reside. (Regardless what state you live in, read further to see how this “Death with Dignity Act” is a misnomer and plans to attack every state.)
In 1988, Michigan’s Republican Governor, John Engler, signed into law a ban on assisted suicide. Since then, the followers of Thanatos have consistently attempted to chip away at this monument for life. Last November (2023) was the latest of these attempts, when a package of bills (known by supporters as the Death with Dignity Acts) was introduced in the Michigan State Senate to legalize physician-assisted suicide: PAS is the practice of allowing doctors to prescribe lethal doses of drugs to their patients for the purpose of committing suicide.
For a short summary of the prior attempts to pass “Death with Dignity” legislation in Michigan click here. If you live in another state and want to know what attempted or successful legislation has been brought through your state legislature click here. That link will take you to a map where you can choose your state to see what’s either happened or is being attempted. Full Disclosure: This is a pro-Death with Dignity website but they have done a good job laying out the information; we just happen to disagree with their objectives.
The Michigan State Medical Society reaffirmed their opposition to this practice; as did the American Medical Association, stating that it’s “fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer.”
Those who support these bills call them the “Death with Dignity Act,” but that doesn’t change the fact that lives are being ended prematurely or that it’s a short step from a choice one makes to a duty one feels forced into.
“A 2023 Kaiser Family Foundation survey on racism, discrimination, and health found that people of color often experience discrimination when seeking medical care. With the cheaper assisted suicide ‘option’ available, those facing existing healthcare disparities may be offered this option rather than more expensive care.” (Right to Life of Michigan News)
Ten other states and the District of Columbia have already legalized PAS, as have several other countries, including our neighbors to the north. To show how quickly “Death with Dignity” can move to “Death from Duty,” look at the expansion of boundaries which were at first laid down.
“In Canada, the assisted suicide law originally only allowed for terminally ill patients to be approved; it has now expanded to include patients with an ongoing disability, chronic pain, or even mental illness.”
Do you remember how abortion advocates touted their offerings to Thanatos by proclaiming they would be safe, legal, and rare? When the camel got its nose under the tent, those things went out the back door. We can expect the same with PAS; its advocates herald so-called safeguards and guidelines in their legislation, “but quickly move to eliminate them after legislation of PAS.”
Right to Life of Michigan News reports: “States where assisted suicide is legal have seen proposals to reduce or eliminate waiting periods; eliminate residency requirements; eliminate requirements of self-administration (a move to euthanasia); and expand the definition of terminal illness.”
Although the removal of safeguards seems unreal, we know from experience that the evil of man will push boundaries and jump fences to get what he wants. If PAS is deemed “legal” by man in Michigan, how long before we could expect “suicide pods” to be available in our communities? Courting Thanatos is a slippery slide that cheapens life for everyone. As we embrace abortion, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia, it’s not so small a step as one might imagine to calling for the death of those which disagree with the State on various matters. Though they were rare and none brought to fruition, throughout COVID we saw examples of this very thing.
We urge you to call your Michigan state senator today at 517-373-2400; urge them to support the dignity of life by voting NO on the “Death with Dignity Act” bills (SB 681). If you live outside of Michigan, we urge you to check your state’s standing and to contact your senators as well.
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