By: Steve Huston

Join us:

WHO: Jay Jusino
WHAT: The Great Reset
WHEN: Thursday, October 17 at 2:30 pm
WHY: Christians need to be aware of the times in which they live
WHERE: American Decency Association, 203 E. Main St, Fremont, MI.
RESERVE your seat: 231-924-4050.

CALL TODAY! Registration is filling up fast and seating may be limited despite it being an afternoon event.

The chickens are coming home to roost! Or as Eric Metaxas so aptly asks in his forward to Michael Youssef’s latest book, The Hidden Enemy: Can we doubt that the bitter seeds that have been sown over the decades are finally coming to their ugly fruition?

American Decency is pleased to host Christian researcher and presenter Jay Jusino as he once again speaks on the complex and concerning subject of The Great Resetwith updated material. If you were with us during last February’s event, you already know what an informative, well-researched, and in-depth time of information dissemination Jay’s presentations are. You’re also aware that he stays Biblically grounded while sharing the truth of what is going on around us. He makes no assumptions or far-fetched contrivances to manipulate one’s thinking or feelings, but rather Jay just shows us what these globalists and institutions say their goals are in their own words. At the same time, he encourages the believer to rest on the Lord and His providential hand.

A few of the global governance institutions and names associated with them that Jay deals with:

* World Health Organization (WHO) – Tedros Ghebreyesus

* United Nations (UN)

* World Economic Forum (WEF) – Klaus Schwab

Some of their nefarious goals/agenda:

* Reducing the worldwide population through subtle and not-so-subtle ways

* Control over every aspect of your life – thereby stripping people of their freedoms and true religion

* Manufacturing crises to accomplish their worldwide goals: war, climate change, gun control, health related concoctions

These enemies are not just globalist/Marxist enemies from without; there are many enemies within who have brought us little by little to where we are – and in recent years with quicker and longer strides. “We face an internal threat from coalition of secular humanists, atheists, and leftists. The enemy within wants to erase the Judeo-Christian values our Western culture was founded on, replacing them with false dogmas of secularism, sexual liberation, hedonism, and moral relativism.” (Michael Youssef) Even so, there are large segments of the church that do not comprehend the dangers and many Americans continue to live in a dreamworld which refuses to recognize that one cannot continue to “poke God in the eye,” expecting Him to “wink at sin.” So many around us seem oblivious to the “thin ice” on which we are treading.

The goals and globalist ways of thinking are so foreign to that of Americans, our Constitution, and way of thinking that many, many will be taken unaware if our enemies within and without have their way. That is why this presentation is so needed for such a time as this. We urge you to attend and to invite others.

There was a lot of information and it’s been quite some time since his last presentation here, so if you’d like to refresh your mind regarding Jay’s previous presentation click here or watch the following videos: Understanding The Great Reset:  A Biblical Analysis Going Forward (Part 1 & Part 2). This is a stand-alone presentation; come get informed whether you were here last time or not!

If you’re a Christian and you’re reading this alert, we urge you to be in prayer for this event, for our nation – that it would come to repentance, and for fellow believers to “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might,” to “put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil,” and “to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” (Eph. 6:10, 11, 13)

This is spiritual warfare; God is our shield, our strong tower, and prayer is our weapon – cry out to Him.

We urge you to “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.

Love is the heart of the gospel, to love God with all that we are and to love our neighbor as ourself is to fulfill the commandments and to live out the gospel before all men.

Join us next Thursday, October 17 at 2:30 pm. Bring others, become informed, and bless others with the information you’ve learned.


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