Jay Jusino: Connects the Dots at ADA

By: Steve Huston

Last Thursday, February 22, nearly ninety people came to the auditorium at the American Decency Association to hear Jay Jusino connect the dots of the Great Reset, detailing the purposeful history which has given rise to it, where we are today, and where it will end up if those who are pushing it have their way.

It was obvious that this is a topic of great concern to many and those in attendance weren’t disappointed, seeing that the presentation was well laid out, well documented, and very well received. Jay’s background as a teacher was particularly helpful in his organization of the material and his ability to stay within his time constraints, even though he had much, much more information he would have liked to share.

This presentation was unique in that it addressed the Great Reset from a Christian, Biblical point of view. It’s important to point out that from this perspective Jay wasn’t interested in fear-mongering or hopelessness. Instead, he laid out the facts before his audience, uncovering both the sinfulness of man and the holiness and sovereignty of God.

Here’s a quick overview of what we experienced last Thursday:

Historically speaking, Jay was quick to remind us that what we see before us today is only new trappings on an old lie that sprung from Genesis chapter three. Satan tempted Eve by making God look cruel and offered her the lie of immortality and wisdom – “ye shall be as gods.” The devil offered her great hope that ended in destruction. This is what is being offered to the world today: a great promise of hope which will only end in destruction. Anything which runs contrary to God’s Word, His commands, has this same end.

The largest part of the Great Reset’s history was based on Darwin’s evolution and Marx’s communism – thoroughly researched, well documented, and interestingly presented. We were often reminded that the goal of these evolutionary/Marxist based tyrannical regimes was complete control of the individual, but it hasn’t been until recently that such technology was available to bring their nefarious plans to fruition. In Jay’s documentation we saw that they don’t even try to hide this goal today; it’s presented as a better life for everyone. If mankind doesn’t unite “on a monastic, unitary basis” it perishes. The advancement of technology is now used to create the final narrative of “Scientific world religious humanism” and they used COVID as a means to put this Great Reset in place. It was the transfer tool to the New World Order through mRNA “vaccines” and nanotechnology which, for some, makes the push for transhumanism acceptable.

In the “now” phase of the Great Reset, Jay spent a lot of time speaking about Klaus Schwab, the 4th Industrial Revolution, and how nearly every institution – many unknowingly – are pushing the idea of “peace and safety” through the globalist agenda. Of course, our Christian truthteller (Jay) was quick to point out that these are also Biblical terms of warning.

Klaus Schwab is obsessed with genetic manipulation which includes the concept of transhumanism (man 2.0); that’s just an acceptable name for eugenics. Jay spent a great deal of time breaking these things all down and connecting them together with the Bible.

The remainder of our time together showed where this is heading – some of which we’ve already been witnessing – and how this will specifically affect true Christians who will stand for their Biblical beliefs. Of course, this includes world-wide religious humanism which worships man rather than our Creator.

Our intention was to have a DVD available of our time with Jay, but that isn’t possible due to copyright concerns. However, because this information is so important to understand and we hope that you will share it with others and because we hope that other organizations and churches will have Jay come and present for them, we are providing links to another of Jay’s presentations that is online, which is very similar to the one he did here. We urge you to watch them and share them with others.

Understanding The Great Reset:  A Biblical Analysis Going Forward (Part 1 & Part 2)

Interested in other topics which Jay speaks on? Go to his website: www.Equippingteachers.org.

Interested in having Jay come and speak to your group? 334-306-1501

Please keep Jay Jusino, his ministry, and our nation in your prayers. Indeed, these are perilous times and we need the Lord’s direction, comfort, and strength to stand in such evil days.


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