Importing the Third World to America’s Heartland

By: Lisa Van Houten

Citizens in Springfield, Ohio are quickly learning that when we import the third world, we increasingly become like the third world. Springfield, with a population of only 60,000, has been reeling from the effects of having 20,000 Haitians dropped upon their small city.

In Tuesday’s three-on-one debate, ABC “moderator,” David Muir, disputed Donald Trump’s claim of Haitian illegal immigrants killing and eating local wildlife and pets in Springfield, Ohio. Muir cited the city manager who said “that’s not happening.”  Liberal journalists of course just took the word of a local politician, who has a vested interest in protecting his city’s reputation, instead of doing actual investigative reporting and digging into local Springfield Facebook posts such as this: “My neighbor informed me that her daughter[’]s friend had lost her cat.  … One day she came home from work, as soon as she stepped out of her car, looked towards a neighbor[’]s house, where Haitians live, & saw her cat hanging from a branch, like you’d do a deer for butchering, & they were carving it up to eat. …”

Ohio Senator J.D. Vance posted on social media, “In the last several weeks, my office has received many inquiries from actual residents of Springfield who’ve said their neighbors’ pets or local wildlife were abducted by Haitian migrants. It’s possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false.” While these accounts indeed could be false, however, the accounts of Haitians catching and killing geese in a local park are not – unless the mainstream media expect us to ignore photos such as this, testimonies such as this, and audio from an August 26 call to police dispatch such as this.  (FYI:  It’s illegal to kill migratory birds in Ohio.)

Yet the ramifications of Biden-Harris importing 20,000 third-world Haitian immigrants into this small city of only 60,000 is far worse than a few dead geese.  Last year, on the first day of school, a Haitian driving without a license crashed into a local school bus causing it to flip, killing an 11-year-old boy and injuring more than 20 other children. This is not an isolated incident; watch this grieving woman testify before the city council about her mother-in-law who was struck and killed by a Haitian illegal immigrant, who received no punishment.

In addition to the loss of life, the toll on the citizens of Springfield has been immense.  The massive influx of Haitians is crippling Springfield’s municipal and social services, where it’s estimated that illegal immigrants waiting in line for welfare, Medicaid and food stamps outnumber citizens nine to one.  Community health clinics have been overwhelmed with Haitian patients. Dr. Yamini Teegala, CEO of the Rocking Horse Community Health Center, said that the strain placed on the city is “not sustainable.” This clinic went from spending $43,000 on translation services four years ago to spending $436,000 in 2024. Hospital wait times have skyrocketed, while American taxpayers are forced to pay for the healthcare of illegal aliens.  The public schools are bursting at the seams with Haitian students, forcing the school system to hire two dozen Haitian-Creole interpreters – again at taxpayer expense – spending ten times more on translation services compared to four years ago.  Reportedly, 19-year-old Haitian adults are being placed in classes with14-year-old high school freshmen and this Springfield grandma states that a 16-year-old Haitian is in class with her 10 year-old granddaughter.

Those who have visited third world countries can attest to the mass chaos that often typifies the roadways of these nations which appear to have no rules of the road.  Such chaos is now wreaking havoc on the streets of Springfield where unlicensed, unregistered, and uninsured Haitians, with no understanding of U.S. traffic laws, are somehow obtaining vehicles and driving as they would in Haiti, causing untold damage and threating public safety.  In an eye-opening account, this Springfield woman shows the impact on citizens. Ohio does not have no-fault insurance, so when an uninsured Haitian causes an accident, the Springfield victims are left holding the bag financially.

“Who’s protecting me?” pleads this Springfield woman in a heart-wrenching account before the City Council.

Like so many towns and cities across the nation which are being inundated with illegal immigrants due to Biden-Harris policies, there are far-reaching consequences, in addition to the financial cost and the devasting loss of lives.

We’ve all seen the chaos and gang violence in Haiti repeatedly play out over television screens over the years.  Just months ago, the U.S. was forced to evacuate all U.S. personnel and citizens as turmoil once again escalated, which included the murder of a young American missionary couple.  For at least 41 of the last 108 years, U.S. military has been in Haiti in the name of securing peace, stability, and human rights – yet the violence and barbarism has never been eradicated, but rather only increased.

And it’s not just violence that’s being exported to the U.S. – it’s a way of life that is world’s apart from Western culture.  The New York Post reports that “animal sacrifices are on the rise” in Queens, New York.  Many also speculate that the animals killed by Haitians in Springfield are not for food, but for the common Haitian voodoo ritual of animal sacrifice.

Lincoln Brown of PJ Media, referencing a woman from Springfield dealing with immigrants threatening her, throwing garbage on her lawn, and trying to squat on her property, writes: “I went to Haiti on a mission trip years ago. Given what I saw there, it is no surprise that Haitian illegal immigrants would feel entitled to throw garbage and squat in this woman’s front yard. Haiti is a failed state, and crime and chaos reign. But these people are no longer in Haiti. They are in the United States, and what is SOP [Standard Operating Procedure] in Haiti is not SOP in the U.S. Well, given the headlines over the last few years, particularly from California and other blue areas, it is rapidly becoming SOP here …”

In our nation’s history, America was considered the great melting pot as immigrants assimilated to our shared culture and values, living out the motto on the Great Seal of the United States:  E pluribus unum – out of many, one.

A vast number of the millions of illegal aliens flooding our nation have no interest in assimilating.  The underpinning values of Western Civilization are unique and precious, but most who flood our borders do not share those values or laws.  There is a reason we don’t sacrifice animals to evil spirits. However, as long as the Biden-Harris open border policy remains, “communities like Springfield will be transformed by the mass influx of foreigners and foreign customs, many of which are hostile to and incompatible with our American way of life. It’s not racist or xenophobic to admit that, it’s simply the truth,” writes John Daniel Davidson.

As Davidson articulates so well, “our leaders actively seek out the dissolution of the nation, the American people as such, so that they might rule over a heterogeneous mass of atomized and powerless individuals with no customs, no shared affinities or loyalties or history, and no future except to be ruled by their betters.”

This is the plan of the Left – to undermine our unique culture and radically transform our nation. They are well on their way to succeeding.


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