For those seeking an election integrity update

By: Bill Johnson

I want to understand!  I want to know.  What?  I’m talking about, can we trust the handling of our election process?

We called upon Patrick Colbeck – who has become one of our nation’s most knowledgeable experts on election protocol and malfeasance – to share his expertise.

A brief biography:

Colbeck was employed by Boeing as a Senior Design Engineer responsible for components of the Environmental Control and Life Support System and Quest Airlock module for International Space Station. He later provided contract systems engineering services to the Department of Defense for work on advanced simulation system for training military forces.[3] Colbeck then served as a Management Consultant and President of Perspective Shifts, LLC. He launched Tek Made Easy in 2007 to provide SharePoint-based web services for clients. In 2006, he published the book Information Technology Roadmap for Professional Service Firms.[4] 

In recent weeks he spoke at our Election Forum (via Zoom).  Below we share what Pat Colbeck presented to us.

Click here for his first presentation.

The presentation does have a significant slide show.

Pat served at the TCF Center in Detroit at the storied 2020 presidential election. He pulled a marathon shift of 25 hours on election day. He was there for the drop off of ballots at 3:00 a.m. at the back of the TCF Center. The ballots had no chain of custody at all.

More recently Colbeck has published The 2020 Coup.

Click here for a 45-minute period of Question and Answer.

An example of a question:  How can we have faith that voting is worth our effort if they are just going to steal the election?

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