Time is of the essence! It’s vital that the United States exits the World Health Organization (WHO) now!
It’s a matter of national sovereignty, directly affects our freedom as U.S. citizens, and limits our personal governance regarding what happens to our bodies and the bodies of our children. Time is of the essence and our senators (all of them) need to hear from us.
I urge you to watch James Roguski’s Exit the WHO video. It clarifies the dangers and helps one to know what to do.
If you’re under the illusion that the adaptations/“concessions” being made by the WHO in order to pass the soon to be voted on “pandemic treaty” make it safe, know that there are many who still find it extremely troubling. See Epoch Times article here. Also, the following excerpt from the aforementioned video should give one pause for concern:
“The WHO is actively doing the things that are supposedly being negotiated. So as far as they’re concerned it’s ‘a fait accompli’ (an accomplished fact – a thing already done.) … So, whether they adopt the treaty or they adopt the amendments in 2023 or 2024, they don’t really care. They’re implementing all of the things that are being negotiated. Do you think that they know it’s a foregone conclusion, that they’re going to get their way?…
“It’s not a representative democracy. You don’t get proportional representation based on how many people or how much money you give. Each nation gets one vote. So, unlike the United Nations where there is a security council and the United States has sort of veto power over some of the actions, we get one vote out of 194 nations. And then we’re obligated to do whatever everybody else says they want.”
Congressman Andy Biggs, a Republican representative for Arizona’s fifth congressional district, has introduced H.R. 79 which would require the President to immediately withdraw the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO) and prohibits using any federal funds to provide for U.S. participation in the WHO. The bill also repeals the 1948 act authorizing the United States to join the WHO.
To read this short and simple bill click here.
Below is an excerpt from James Roguski’s most recent article detailing why we need to exit the WHO. The whole of the article can be read here; it includes numerous ways to contact representatives and senators (tweet, email, or call), urging them to withdraw the United States from the WHO – removing us from this “very abusive relationship.”
Excerpt begins here:
Contact your United States Senators and demand that they take immediate action to get the United States OUT of the World Health Organization.
This is NOT complicated.
This is simple and straightforward.
We do not want to “reform” the WHO.
We want to EXIT the World Health Organization NOW!
To date (May 19, 2024) 60 members of the House of Representatives have co-sponsored the WHO Withdrawal Act (H.R. 79)
CLICK HERE to learn about H.R. 79.
Not even one Senator has had the guts to clearly state that the United States should #ExitTheWHO.
The Senate failed to say ANYTHING about the International Health Regulations when they were adopted in 1969.
The Senate failed to say ANYTHING about the amendments to the International Health Regulations in 2005.
The Senate has miserably failed to say ANYTHING about the fraudulent adoption of amendments to the International Health Regulations in 2022. CLICK HERE
All of the 49 Republican Senators and the 22 Attorneys General who recently wrote letters to President Biden merely advocated for “reform” of the World Health Organization.
For a start, we need one Senator to simply copy H.R.79 and submit it as companion legislation in the Senate.
That’s it.
Copy. Paste. Submit.
Let’s see if any one of our 100 Senators will listen to the will of the people.
(End of James Roguski’s most recent article excerpt)
We urge you to get informed and pray; pass this information on to others, and play a role in protecting our nation from this subtle attack which lies before us.
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