Come Pray With Us

By: American Decency Staff

Two opportunities this week and we urge you, if possible, come to both! (Both events are held at the American Decency offices – 203 E. Main St, Fremont MI.)

THIS Thursday, October 24 – 6:30 P.M.

Several pastoral voices will speak briefly regarding our great need for repentance and will lead us in calling out to God in prayer for grace and mercy. Those who join us will also have an opportunity to join like-minded individuals in crying out to our Heavenly Father.

THIS WEEKEND, Saturday, October 26 – 10 AM – 12:00 PM

There will be an outdoor prayer vigil in front of the American Decency building. Join us in calling out to God in prayer for His grace and mercy. Let us plead at the Throne of Grace that our Heavenly Father will grant this nation repentance and renewal.

Please note: These are not political rallies covered by a mask of prayer. In other words, we will not be promoting a candidate nor political party. This is a time to sincerely come before God with our national concerns. We recognize that some of these concerns will be tied either directly or indirectly to politics, pray as you will, but our motivation is to beseech Almighty God for His mercy and grace and that He will “rend the heavens” and that He “wouldest come down!” (Isaiah 64:1)

Though not a complete list by any means, here are some specific reasons for which we should feel a desperate need to humble ourselves before a most holy God:

* The obfuscation of a national government surrounding elections and truth

* Government-backed “legalization” regarding abortion with ever decreasing limits and the normalization of lifestyles God calls sin

* Our government schools are centers that have turned their back upon standards of right and wrong consistent with the Ten Commandments of yesteryear, thereby opening up classrooms to whatever the new left desires to propagate: abortion for teens without parental consent, LGBT clubs, transgenderism, DEI, …

* Masses of children being trafficked across our borders, within our borders, and not just children

* A pornography industry which is massive and also infiltrates our smart phones, regardless of age

* Increasing apathy to sin and to righteousness: As Jesus warned, the love of many would wax cold due to the pervasive iniquity that surrounds us

* A lack of teaching the difference between the holy and the profane

* Entertaining ourselves to spiritual harm through lack of conscientious vigilance

The following questions ought to humble us as well as bring us to our knees in prayer (O for the heart and mind of Christ!):

Where are those who have a true and fervent passion for Christ?

Do we love God with all that we are?

Do we follow the leading of the Spirit, thereby not walking after the flesh?


Please join with us to humbly pray for repentance on behalf of ourselves and our nation as we head into this consequential election. We urge you to come to one or both events on Thursday, October 24 at 6:30 PM and/or Saturday, October 26 from 10 AM – noon. If you are unable to join us at the American Decency building, please pray with us where you are!


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