An event you won’t want to miss!

By: Bill Johnson

Join us Thursday, October 17, 2024 for “The Great Reset Part II” with Jay Jusino

Many of you have heard the term “The Great Reset” and have wondered what that is, what it means.  Last February, we had the great opportunity to have former Michigander Jay Jusino speak on this complex and concerning subject – The Great Reset.  We are pleased to offer another opportunity to hear from Jay Jusino as he further expounds on this growing concern.

Jay is a long-time educator having taught in both the public schools and Christian schools.  He is burdened for family, children and our nation.  In the spring and summer months, his seasonal occupation is as the owner and operator of a lawn care company.   In his available time, he has dedicated himself to warning any and all audiences of international trends brewing, which intend to take away American sovereignty and to place us under the authoritarian control of globalism – destroying once and for all American sovereignty and individual liberty.

His presentation exposes the agenda of world governance organizations – such as the World Health Organization, United Nations and World Economic Forum – and globalist leaders and influencers, including Tedros Ghebreyesus, Director General of the WHO; Bill Gates; Klaus Schwab, and many others.  There’s no need to make assumptions or far-fetched connections to put together complicated theories – Jusino just shows us what these people and institutions say their goals are in their own words.

We should have learned during the Covid fiasco that we gave authority to unelected bureaucrats, global leaders, and individuals deemed to be experts, who collaborate in creating shock events. These same individuals and people create the emergency and then create both the “solution” and the control mechanism which is put into place by both the governments and by international organizations.  As we have seen, the American people largely failed the test to understand what is truth and what isn’t and willingly handed over their freedom and constitutionally-guaranteed rights. The goal of these globalists is international control over the American people.

Jusino’s message will include addressing the globalist agenda, including their quest of reducing the worldwide population through subtle and not-so-subtle ways.  Jay will also make us aware of how they will use crises to accomplish their worldwide goals. These shock events could be anything that will enable them to accomplish their agenda:  war, climate change, gun control, health related concoctions.

As with Covid, such events are designed to cause citizens to hand over their rights to unelected authoritarians who would once again create mandates or dictates on “we the people” which would affect our ability to travel, do commerce etc. and further empower a Marxist and socialist agenda. There are already proposed agreements under which nations would submit their sovereignty to international groups such as the United Nations, led by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, which would give them unilateral powers to tell every nation in the world what they must do in response to such shock events.

Jay’s earlier presentation was focused, strategic and included a time of “Q and A.”   It was very well received by our large audience, who expressed positive feedback.  Don’t miss this opportunity to hear this important warning regarding the agenda of globalist elites and how it could impact you.

Join us Thursday, October 17 at 2:30 P.M. at American Decency Association, 203 E. Main St, Fremont, MI.  Reserve your seat by calling 231-924-4050.   Seating may be limited despite it being an afternoon event. 


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