A Mockery and a Mission Field

By: Lisa Van Houten

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.”  John 15:18

By now you’ve most likely heard of the controversy at the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics, featuring a perverse drag queen parody mocking the Last Supper.  A lesbian activist by the name of Barbara Butch, who replaced Christ in the blasphemous scene, described it as the “New Gay Testament” on her Instagram page. In place of the bread and wine symbolizing the sacrificial, atoning body and blood of Jesus, was a vile sex performer portraying the Greek god Dionysus, the god of sexual debauchery and wine. In addition, because the LGBT cult is in the business of recruiting children, of course a child was included in the vile scene, while later drag queens danced around little children.

The mockery of Christianity sparked worldwide outrage from diverse voices such as the Middle East Council of Churches and French bishops to Elon Musk and Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker.  After the uproar, Olympic officials first tried gaslighting viewers to not believe what their eyes clearly showed them, claiming the scene wasn’t intended to represent the Last Supper.  Yet why was the segment entitled: “La Cène sur la scene sur la seine” (the Last Supper on the stage on the Seine)? Then attempts were made to remove all video footage from the Internet, forgetting that that what’s posted online can always be found online.  Then, finally, the International Olympic Committee issued a cursory “apology” stating: “there was never any intention to show disrespect towards any religious group or belief,” that “their intention with the Opening Ceremony was always to celebrate community and tolerance,” and that “if anyone was offended by certain scenes, this was completely unintentional and they were sorry.”

Despite their claim to the contrary, this offense was certainly intentional.  When Jesus hung on the cross looking down at the Roman soldiers who were crucifying him, He prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  But those who put on that mockery in Paris knew exactly what they were doing and who Christ is.

Many rightly have stated that the Olympics would never mock Islam as they do with Christianity.  And while they know Christians won’t cut off their heads, the real reason they target Christianity and not Islam is not because they’re afraid of a violent Muslim response, but because they’re afraid of the truth.  More accurately, they hate the Truth.  The most avid atheist, the most sexually perverse degenerate, doesn’t have nearly the same animosity toward Islam as they do for Christianity because Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  As Romans 1 makes clear, God has revealed Himself to every individual and they are without excuse.  Yet not only do they suppress that truth, they reject God the Father and His authority and they reject Jesus the Son who alone is Savior and Lord.  That’s also why they so vehemently try to destroy the created order of male and female and God’s design for human sexuality.  They hate God, who alone defines Truth.

And it’s not just the most degenerate who have rejected God and His authority and the truth He reveals, the Western world, in general, is on the same path.  As John Daniel Davidson writes at the Federalist: “The opening ceremony was a message, unmistakable and clear, from the European post-modern elite, that Christians are not welcome in the post-Christian, neopagan society they are creating. These elites are saying, in effect, that they have tolerance for every perversity imaginable but none for the Christian faith.

“For a long time we called this elite ‘liberal,’ but they are not really liberal because liberalism requires a degree of tolerance, even for beliefs and customs liberals find repugnant. Better to call them what they are, which is pagan or neopagan. Pagans, both ancient and modern, have no tolerance for Christianity. It is the greatest threat to them because it is real, and its reality exposes the falsity of their paganism, which can only ever be a perverse imitation of the true Christian faith.”

The neopaganism that is sweeping the Western world, including the United States, won’t be satisfied with merely mocking Christianity; their goal is to eradicate its influence and even criminalize aspects of Christian practice.  In England it’s illegal to silently pray outside of an abortion facility. And perhaps you recall when vice president Kamala Harris was Senator Harris, she opposed a Trump nominee because he was a member of the Catholic group, Knights of Columbus.  She stated that being a member of the Knights of Columbus should disqualify someone from public office.  This is the trajectory of where we’re headed.

Christians who came before us combatted paganism.  We must do the same today.  As Davidson also writes: “Christians need to be prepared to speak out against the mockery of their faith by neopagan elites. They also need to be prepared to fight, suffer, and perhaps die for their faith.”

2 Peter 2:7-8 says that righteous Lot was “greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their lawless deeds that he saw and heard).”  The King James uses the word vexed, instead of distressed.  We, too, should be vexed by what we see taking place in our culture.  Yet it’s not enough to just be distressed or vexed – we need to be salt and light.  America and also Europe – where Christianity birthed Western Civilization – are now mission fields.  The nations which sent out missionaries around the world, are now in great need of being evangelized themselves.

Since the times of the early Church, Christianity has been under attack, but it will never be snuffed out.  God is building His Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

The day after the Olympic opening ceremony, a power outage left the city in the dark (literally, as well as figuratively).  The only place that still had power was the famed Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a church located at the highest point in Paris. A reminder that, as John 1:5 states, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” 


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