A Dangerous Tag Team

By: Lisa Van Houten

Since Kamala Harris was crowned the Democratic presidential nominee without garnering a single vote from the electorate, her public relations team – otherwise known as the mainstream media – has pulled out all the stops to attempt to paint Kamala as a moderate.  The media circled the wagons around Harris, who had the most leftist voting record in the Senate, seeking to erase her radical record and policies.

However, Kamala’s true leftist colors are showing with her choice of Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota as her vice-presidential pick.  Most political strategists and pundits expected Harris to pick the moderate Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro as her running mate, whose immense popularity in Pennsylvania would be a major boon in helping the Democrat ticket win that vital swing state.  Yet, instead of making that politically savvy move, Kamala Harris eschewed Governor Shapiro.

You see, Shapiro has one problem – he’s Jewish. And not only has he expressed support for Israel in the past, he condemned the radical campus riots calling for the eradication of Israel.  Seemingly, that was too much for Kamala Harris who, not only appears to share the values of the anti-Israel protests – a few weeks ago, Harris said pro-Hamas protesters showed “exactly what the human emotion should be” – but is also afraid of losing votes from the growing and vocal anti-Israel, antisemitic wing of the Democrat Party.

So, rather than pick a moderate candidate who would go along with this fictional image of the new “moderate” Kamala which the media is striving to create, Harris chose a running mate as extreme as she is – making the Harris-Walz ticket the most radical in our nation’s presidential history.

There’s a reason why Congress’ most extreme members, such as Bernie Sanders and the “Squad,” praised Tim Walz as VP pick: as governor, Walz instituted such far-left policies in Minnesota that the Squad, up to this point, can only dream of doing nationally.

Just as the media is gaslighting the American people about who Kamala Harris truly is, they are now doing the same with Tim Walz.  Mainstream media talking heads got the memo from the DNC to paint “American dad” Walz as an “aw shucks” folksy, deer-hunting, high school teacher turned politician with midwestern values.

However, the values Walz holds are not American values, but Antifa values.

When violent riots exploded in Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd, Tim Walz watched the city burn, ignoring pleas from the Minneapolis mayor and police chief asking for help from the National Guard.  Finally, after waiting three days, Walz sent in the National Guard.

Speaking of the National Guard, Tim Walz used to serve in the Guard before he ran for Congress in 2005.  However, numbers of those who served under him accused Walz of abandoning them when Walz found out that their unit would be deployed to Iraq.  “On May 16th, 2005, [Walz] quit, betraying his country, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war,” retired Command Sergeants Major Thomas Behrends and Paul Herr wrote on Facebook in 2018.

Walz also abandoned the residents of Minneapolis.  By the time the riots were quelled, over 1,500 businesses and buildings were looted and burned, including a police station; many police officers were injured, three people were dead, and there was an estimated half a billion dollars-worth of property damage.  His refusal to nip the Minneapolis riots in the bud, led to an emboldened Antifa looting and burning in city after city during the summer of 2020 as Americans watched in horror.  As Walz let Minneapolis burn, Kamala Harris raised money to bail out the few arsonists, rioters, and looters who were actually arrested.  And just like Kamala, Walz has also supported the Defund the Police movement. As J.D. Vance stated, Harris and Walz make a good tag team.

Walz and Harris are also big proponents of the Marxist ideology, DEI.  Governor Walz actually claimed that the Antifa riots were the fault of America not valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion, stating:  “A society that does not put equity and inclusion first will come to this result.”  He went on to state that it was a time of fundamental change and called those months of unrest “exciting.”

As I’m sure you recall, that summer of 2020 was in the height of Covid hysteria.  While Walz let thousands of rioters flood the streets, he instituted same of the most authoritarian and unconstitutional Covid restrictions in the nation.  He instituted a statewide stay-at-home order for everyone – except rioters.  And if any Minnesotan dared venture outside their doors to interact with another, he developed a Nazi-like snitch line, urging Minnesotans to rat on their neighbors.  He mandated the closing of all churches, schools, and restaurants.  When he eventually allowed bars and tattoo parlors to open, he demanded that churches remain closed.  Those who defied Walz’s tyrannical edicts were arrested and jailed.

When it comes to transgender policies, Walz again doesn’t align with American values, but with the LGBT cult seeking to brainwash children.  Walz issued an executive order ensuring that children in Minnesota are allowed to receive irreversible genital-mutilating surgeries, as well as dangerous puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.  Walz made Minnesota a “sanctuary state” for minors from others states to come for transgender surgeries and hormones without parental permission.  Walz also signed a law allowing the state to seize custody of a child whose parents refuse to go along with their child’s gender confusion.  “A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and … the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care,” the law states.

Walz has also signed legislation requiring public schools to stock menstrual products in boys’ bathrooms for 4th – 12th grades, so that girls who “identify” as boys can use the boys’ restroom.  Walz also encourages schools to affirm a child’s gender confusion and identity, keeping it secret from parents.  Walz’s pro-LGBT views go back as far as 35 years ago.  In 1989 he became the first high school teacher in the school where he taught to sponsor a Gay Straight Alliance student club, long before homosexuality had become normalized in society.

Walz also holds the most extremist position on abortion, just as Kamala Harris, who has made abortion “rights” a major thrust of her campaign. Walz is so pro-abortion, Nancy Pelosi advised him not to be so vocal about it. “My record is so pro-choice Nancy Pelosi asked me if I should tone it down,” Walz stated.

In 2023 Walz signed legislation that allows for abortion on demand up to the moment of birth.  In Minnesota, there are now absolutely no restrictions on the murder of the unborn. Walz also approved a bill to let babies die who survive an abortion. In addition, under a bill signed by Walz, school counselors can take a child for an abortion without parental knowledge or permission.  As with the trans issue, the leftist goal is to undermine parental authority and give the state control of our children.

On immigration, Walz and “border czar” Harris are again two peas in a pod – they both want an open border, allowing millions of unvetted illegals to flow in. Walz is fully supportive of sanctuary cities and states, but with Harris and Walz in power, America will become a sanctuary country – plagued with the crime, national security threats, and economic repercussions that we’re already experiencing. Walz signed legislation allowing illegal immigrants to receive driver’s licenses, which will not only put the safety of Americans at risk, both physically and economically (how many will have insurance on their vehicles?), but also makes it easier for illegals to vote in elections, having a state-issued ID. Walz also supports giving incentives to illegal aliens by handing out taxpayer-funded benefits such as free health insurance and free college tuition.  Just days ago, during an interview on CNN, Walz mocked the idea of maintaining a secure border, stating that if Trump built a 25 foot high border wall, he’d invest in a 30 foot ladder company.

As Harris caters to the pro-Hamas Muslim population in swing states such as Michigan, Walz has done the same with the large Muslim Somalian population in Minnesota – the home of Squad member, Rep. Ilhan Omar.  In fact, he oversaw the redesign of the Minnesota state flag, removing images of a Native American and a Caucasian farmer, replacing the old design with one that bears an uncanny resemblance to the flag of Somalia.

Both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz share a vision of America that isn’t based on the American ideals of freedom, but on socialist, Marxist ideology.

Walz has stated: “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.”  A “neighborliness” that allows businesses to be looted and burned, babies to be murdered, parental rights to be undermined, and allows unvetted criminals to flood our border.  Sounds more like tyranny.

And this was Harris’ view of power when she served as a San Franciso prosecutor: “You know, the power I have as a prosecutor is that with a swipe of my pen I can charge someone with a misdemeanor, the lowest level offense possible, and by virtue of that swipe of my pen, you will have to go to a court house and stand in line. You will have to come out of pocket and hire an attorney. You may get arrested for a few hours. You will be embarrassed in your community … all because with a swipe of my pen I have charged you with a crime. Which I may choose to dismiss two weeks later.  It’s an incredible amount of power.”

What would she do with the swipe of a pen while sitting in the Oval Office?

Don’t be fooled by Tim Walz’s midwestern folksy persona and Kamala Harris’ inarticulate word salads.  With the media covering for them, the Harris-Walz ticket could easily be foisting their shared ideology upon America a few short months from now. As Walz let Minneapolis burn, Harris-Walz will let America burn – fanning the flames of destruction that the neo-Marxists have lit in our nation.


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