9-11: A Remembrance and a Warning

By: Steve Huston

Twenty-three years ago today, nineteen jihadists launched murderous attacks inside the United States, wreaking havoc and devastation upon our people (both immediate and by incalculable means both in families and nationally). It was an attack on our liberties and even in how we do politics. One such example, which hamstrings our liberties and skews our political machinery, would include ignoring the Constitution of the United States of America in order to pass the USA PATRIOT ACT (officially known as Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism). There is no doubt that we’ve all felt and have been made to endure the attack within our nation, some to a much greater degree than others.

In remembering the pain, harm, and destruction brought upon this nation and its people, my next statement is not meant to minimize or dismiss the great and tragic loss of life that occurred on that day. We continue to mourn the loss that comes with thousands of souls unexpectedly stepping into eternity.

When I look at the state of our nation today, even with the haunting memory just described, I can’t help but think that we are much worse off on this 9-11 than the 9-11 of twenty-three years ago. Aside from the tragic loss of thousands of lives, 9-11 of yesteryear looks more like a 7-11 in comparison to what we see happening in our nation and its government today.

Maybe without the horrors of planes crashing into buildings and the loss of life plastered on across every television screen it’s harder to recognize. Maybe because we’ve largely forgotten that which we promised to “NEVER FORGET,” we don’t see the enormous tragedy of our day. Perhaps it’s because the title of patriot Phil Haney’s book is being forced upon us – See Something Say Nothing – by nearly every American institution that many fail to recognize our own great loss today. Or, is it possibly because large swathes of our children didn’t experience 9-11-01, have been educated to hate our country and the God who raised it up, and the silence of parents and grandparents is deafening? Regardless the reason, it’s very, very sobering.

On 9-11-01 we largely united together, sought the face of God, and woke up to the reality of who the enemy was and to take them at their word – in other words, believing that they were fully committed to doing evil and to bring destruction upon America, “the great Satan” and to “the little Satan,” Israel, too.

Now, on 9-11-24 we are largely a divided nation; Republicans and Democrats are so far from their original bases that each are hardly recognizable anymore. Yet, even in this, there is a great difference between them. The Left, over the last 8 years or more, have been increasingly divisive, promoting hatred rather than harmony; creating bonds of friendship with our international enemies while making Constitution-obeying, liberty-loving neighbors out to be enemies. Our greatest ally in the Middle East, especially during 9-11-01, is being touted as a scourge to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Federal and many state governments would have us to deny our eyes and sensibilities today. Not only are we to See Something Say Nothing, but we are to act like we don’t even see something where LGBTQ+ and Marxist agendas are concerned.

It’s only fitting that we recognize, today, the large number of Muslims who are a part of our government and speak openly and disparagingly against America, Israel, and our Constitution. One such example is Keith Ellison, “the 30th attorney general of Minnesota and the first Muslim elected to statewide office in the U.S. He is a former U.S. representative, deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, and a civil rights lawyer.” (Wikipedia) He is currently on Kamala Harris’ short list for Attorney General.

This list could go on and on; the question is: What will the next 9-11 hold in store for us?

No one but God knows. But if we don’t become more vigilant and diligent constitutionally; if we aren’t more protective of our political and election processes; if we continue to fall in line with the mantra to See Something Say Nothing or Don’t See Anything; if we refuse to turn to the God of Heaven and call on His name, humbling ourselves and seeking His face and turning from our wicked ways; then America is doomed, and rightfully so.

Psalm 11:3 warns, “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” The remainder of that chapter indicates that the righteous should remain righteous, trusting in the Lord. It warns that the wicked will be dealt with. Let us be sure that we are walking in righteousness and warning the wicked of their definite fate to come, except they repent, seek the Lord, and be saved by His grace.

In the next chapter (12) verse 8, we are warned that “The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.” God is sovereign, but men have a duty to perform. In showing love for God and our fellowman let us not exalt the vilest men (people, candidates). We will never find a perfect one, but we can do our part in not raising up the “vilest” of them.

On 9-11-01 we saw what happens when the vilest of men are in control, men who hate God and the nations He has lifted up. On this 9-11 let us vow to keep the vilest of men from being exalted in positions of authority – politically, educationally, etc.


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