This week’s presentation of Decency Minutes – shared through the scripts below and through Bill Johnson’s narration of them by clicking on the titles – point to both man’s enslavement to sin and his love of sin’s shackles. By way of introduction, I’m sharing some statements by Puritan Thomas Watson on such bondage and will conclude, after these transcripts, with his declarations of how freedom is found in Christ.
“Sin enslaves the soul. O how a man wears himself out in the service of sin—it wastes his body, breaks his sleep, and distracts his mind. Sin says to one, defraud; to another, be unchaste; to another, take revenge; to another, make a false vow. But sinners are content to be under the command of sin; they are willing to be slaves; they love their chains; they wear their sins, not as fetters, but as ornaments; they rejoice in iniquity. What freedom does a sinner have to his own confusion, when he can do nothing but what sin will have him do? He is enslaved in the house of bondage. Satan is a tyrant over the souls of men. He fills their heads with error and their hearts with malice. He rules men’s minds and blinds them with ignorance. He rules their wills, and captures their hearts to obey him…It is a sad and dismal case to be in the house of bondage under the power and tyranny of Satan.”
This year the most controversial Super Bowl ad was the “He Gets Us” ad, supposedly meant to introduce unbelievers to Jesus. The ad, which states “Jesus didn’t teach hate. Jesus washed feet,” embraces the oppressed vs. oppressor intersectionality of today’s woke ideology. It sends a scolding message to Christians, implying that they are the hateful, bigoted ones who don’t love lost sinners.
Even more troubling, the ad sends a message to unbelievers that Jesus accepts everyone with no mention of their need for repentance. But Jesus came to save people from their sins, not affirm them.
This ad perverts the Gospel, striving to make Jesus more “palatable” to unbelievers. However, thinking we can love the lost without also sharing the Truth is not loving. Rather, knowingly holding back the message of salvation from those who will perish without it, is the opposite of loving our neighbor.
I strongly encourage you to read this important article we published earlier this week regarding this ad. It’s full of true compassion and care for all, that you can share with others when talking about this ad and why it’s dangerous to our culture and to the souls of others.
All That We Do Will Be Judged, Not By Government, But By God
Though the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, more commonly known as FISA, was originally a means to help protect our nation from terrorist attacks, there’s no denying that it’s become a means for our government to spy on us. While some in Congress fight for its reauthorization, it’s our prayer that they won’t succeed.
Reauthorized or not, there will always be some who are able to escape the detection of “Big Government’s Eye,” but there is One who sees all that we do and hears all that we say. Nothing escapes my Heavenly Father’s detection and ALL will one day “appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad.”
Examine your life, for all that we do will be judged by the absolute truth of God’s Word, the Bible.
Read an article we published earlier this week to learn more about how FISA is being used to spy on the American public and what steps we should take to better protect ourselves and our Fourth Amendment.
The Senate Approves Billions to Defend Borders, Just Not American Borders
We’ve added an entire state population’s worth of illegal immigrants to our interior since Biden became president. So, after failing to push through a “border bill” that did more to provide for foreign borders than our own, the Senate finally shifted their priorities.
They passed a bill to aid those foreign nations with no help for our borders at all.
As the Senate debated the ninety-six-billion-dollar bill, Mitt Romney called it, “the single most important vote they will ever take as Senators.”
Apparently, twenty-one other Republican Senators agreed, as the bill passed the Senate seventy to twenty-nine.
Speaker Johnson says it won’t pass Congress, but it is telling when our leaders view funding other nations as more important than their constituents.
While Americans are dying of fentanyl, struggling to find work, and losing access to their public resources as effects of mass migration, our leaders are sending our tax dollars to Eastern Europe.
We need not stay in bondage under the tyrannical rule of Satan…
“But God takes his elect out of the house of bandage, beats off the chains and fetters of sin, and brings them into the glorious liberty of the children of God. The saints are made spiritual kings to rule and conquer their corruptions. It is a matter of the highest praise and thanksgiving to be taken out of the bondage of enslaving lusts and made kings to reign in glory forever! Jesus Christ redeems captives, he ransoms sinners by price, and rescues them by force as David took a lamb out of the mouth of the roaring lion. Oh, what a mercy it is to be brought out of the house of bondage to be made subjects of the Prince of Peace.” ~ Thomas Watson
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