3 in 3 for 9-27-24

By: Steve Huston

Each week we are both grateful to send out these Decency Minute scripts, which Bill Johnson so graciously narrates, and to encourage you to pray with us for the troubles which seem to abound on every side. When troubles abound WE MUST ABIDE IN CHRIST, even as we must at ALL times. Some might hear our pleas for prayer simply as “Christian rhetoric,” but it’s not. Read these following quotes which speak to the true heart and nature of prayer. It is in this vein which we call upon true believers to join us in prayer over these troubling matters – particularly as we see election day approaching.

Prayer is the chief exercise of faith.”—John Calvin

“Bear up the hands that hang down, by faith and prayer; support the tottering knees. Have you any days of fasting and prayer? Storm the throne of grace and persevere therein, and mercy will come down.”—John Wesley

“Prayer is too hard and too high a work for an unsound heart to hold on in; prayer is heart work, and that proves heavy work to him. The soul of prayer lies in the pouring out of the soul before God, and this is a work that a hypocrite has no skill in.”—Thomas Brooks

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” (Philippians 4:6) – Apostle Paul

Pray often, for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge to Satan.”—John Bunyan

In reflecting on prayer and our desperate need for God’s mercy upon our nation and our families, we urge you to mark your calendars for two upcoming prayer events which American Decency will be hosting.

Thursday, October 24 – 6:30 P.M. at American Decency Association (203 E. Main St, Fremont MI.) We will come together in prayer, joined by pastoral voices who will briefly speak regarding our great need for repentance and calling out to God in prayer for grace and mercy.

Saturday, October 26 – 10 AM – 12:00 PM at American Decency Association (203 E. Main St, Fremont MI.)  An outdoor prayer vigil in front of our building, coming boldly before the throne of grace for help in time of trouble.

American Decency Ministries

Did you know that a Decency Minute is more than just a radio program?

In fact, it’s just one of the outreaches of our ministry, the American Decency Association. We’re based right here in your West Michigan neighborhood, and we frequently host speakers, movies, and events to encourage and inform conservative Christians to think about politics, Biblically.

We also send out several email alerts every week, from devotionals to news stories to action items and we send a monthly newsletter to thousands of mailboxes every month as well.

To sign up for event notifications, our email list, or our newsletters, visit us at americandecency.org. You can also find our Decency Minute archives there, and videos of our past events and important interviews.

We hope you’ll check us out at americandecency.org and sign up to receive our emails to follow what we’re doing.

Thanks for listening!


Kamala on “Christian” Belief

Kamala Harris, who shows no evidence of being a Christian herself, is now claiming that Christians “do not need to abandon their faith to believe that the government … should not tell a woman what to do with her body.” Yet, what Harris ignores when she talks about so-called reproductive rights, is that reproduction has already occurred. Abortion doesn’t stop reproduction; it kills another distinct human being.

Tony Dungy responded to Harris, stating: “Are you talking about the Christian faith that says all babies are made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26), that God places them in the womb (Jer. 1:5) and that we should not take any life unjustly (Luke 18:20)?” … What faith says that taking a life is OK? And what faith says a baby in the womb is not a life?”

Harris has vowed to implement unlimited abortion rights nationwide. No true believer can support her wicked agenda.

I would urge you to read Lisa Van Houten’s article we posted earlier this week. It delves more fully into this topic.


The Weapons of our Warfare

Our Republic is under attack! While not a newsflash, it is something that weighs heavily upon every American patriot, conservative, and Christian mind. The ever-widening chasm between political and cultural polar-opposites is truly frightening. The intense animosity which is encouraged by the Left, at times, echoes within smaller groups on the Right, until one can hardly tell the difference between the two positions. These things ought not to be so.

Yes, we have no doubt that war is brewing in America, though most have no idea that it’s a spiritual war.

In spiritual warfare, Truth is our weapon, combined with prayer and self-control. These weapons are made powerful by God to the pulling down of strongholds and “bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.”

As Christians do their duty politically and spiritually, we must be defined by truth and love – love for God and our neighbor.

Prayer is the soul’s weapon, and is it not a grief to lack a weapon in our spiritual warfare? Prayer is the soul’s ornament, the excellent garment of a Christian; and is it not an affliction to be without this garment and to be found naked? Prayer is the Christian’s element, and as the fish lives in the water as in its element and dies when it is out of it, so a Christian lives in prayer as in his element, and his heart dies when he is out of it. Prayer is the soul’s provisioner, bringing in provision for the soul and for all its graces.”—William Bridge

“Fervent prayer is the soul’s contention, the soul’s struggling with God. It is a sweating work; it is the sweat and blood of the soul. It’s a laying out to the uttermost all the strength and powers of the soul. He that would gain victory over God in private prayer must strain every string of his heart; he must in beseeching God besiege Him, and so get the better of Him.”—Thomas Brooks

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