3-in-3 for 7/5/24

By: Chris Johnson

This week’s Decency Minutes remind us that God is in control. We can see it in the arc of history, even the history of Pride Month. We are reminded of it when, by God’s grace, a good governor calls his citizens to pray for God’s grace and mercy.

And, we are reminded that we need to keep that fact in mind as we look ahead to this fall’s elections, even as we equip ourselves with information to carry out our civic responsibilities Christianly.

As we do in this week’s last Decency Minute, we want to invite you to next week’s election forum featuring our well informed and well-placed friends, State Representative Joseph Fox and Election Integrity Expert Patrick Colbeck (virtually) at 6:30 PM on July 11, at our offices. Call us at 231-924-4050 or email kimberly@americandecency.org

Pride Month Fizzles Out

For the past two years now, “Pride Month” has ended with high-profile victories from those who push back against the LGBT propaganda.

Last year, companies like Target and Budweiser were forced to rethink their vociferous support of sexual degeneracy. This year, Tractor Supply Company has walked back their surprisingly blatant promotion of the liberal cause.

Those who aren’t in rural America, which tends to appreciate tradition, of course, may not be familiar with Tractor Supply, but it is primarily a farm supply store peppered around agricultural communities.

Yet, TSC employees were forced to undergo sensitivity training and their corporate office funded Pride events.

Once their conservative customers found out about all this, Tractor Supply released the strongest reversal from a company yet.

They vowed to discontinue supporting Pride parades and to eliminate DEI roles in their company.

Once again, Pride Month fizzled out, leaving the cause a little less proud than before.


Where Else Can We Turn?

During times of national concern, past presidents would give proclamations to fast and pray.

Tennessee’s governor has signed a bill that calls for 30 days of prayer and fasting in his state, starting July 1st. Resolution 803 is meant to “seek God’s hand of mercy healing on Tennessee.” It further acknowledges God as Creator, having the “authority to judge and to bless nations and states.” It also lists its state’s woes and sins, humbly asking for forgiveness.

Finally, the bill asks “all those who are physically able and spiritually inclined to do so to join in a thirty-day season of prayer and intermittent fasting … as a means of seeking God’s blessing and humbling ourselves to receive His Grace and Mercy, transforming ourselves, our communities, our State, and our Nation.”

In these “perilous times,” it’s a bold move, but, realistically, where else can any of us turn?

Join Us July 11 for Our Election Forum

Join us Thursday, July 11 at American Decency for an event you won’t want to miss as we bring deeper understanding to the complex questions regarding election security. Speaking to these concerns will be two men of God who are standing for truth: State Rep. Joseph Fox and Patrick Colbeck, author of The 2020 Coup.

Joseph Fox will tell it like it is regarding what’s facing us in Lansing where the Left is in control, ramming through damaging legislation that is further jeopardizing election integrity.  Patrick Colbeck has become one of our nation’s most knowledgeable experts on election protocol. Name the concern, he will address it with understanding.

If we don’t stand for integrity in America’s voting system, our nation will continue to pay the price. Join us at 6:30 on July 11 at American Decency, 203 E. Main in Fremont. Go to americandecency.org for more information.

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