3 in 3 for 7-26-24

By: Steve Huston

It’s a world gone mad; that’s what our Decency Minutes (narrated by Bill Johnson) this week show. Who would have ever thought that crass expletives would be nearly “commonplace;” America and the world at large would irrationally mutilate their children as they deny reality; or that the assassination of a former, running, or sitting president would be seen as acceptable by media outlets and larger portions of our “civilized” society?

Whether the conservative “Right” or Christians are standing against any of the above or they are protecting life, traditional marriage, gender according to God’s design, or a host of any other issues, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, in his fourth address to Congress, gives a sound word for us. Although referring to a different topic, his words are sound for our topic today as well:

My friends, defeating our brutal enemies requires both courage and clarity. Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil. Yet many choose to stand with evil.

Yes, if we hope to defeat these Leftist or Marxist ideals (“our brutal enemies”), we need clarity! And, as Prime Minister Netanyahu explained, “Clarity begins by knowing the difference between good and evil.Which reminds us that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge…” It would behoove us to reread those verses which talk about the fear of the Lord.

Dear Reader, God has defined and detailed that which is evil and that which is good by giving us the Bible, strong minds, and the Holy Spirit to help us understand His Word. By His Word, we can know with clarity that which is good and that which is evil. We must stop choosing to stand with evil if we truly want to see wrong vanquished. It IS in the Lord’s hands; He will work all things out in His perfect will and perfect timing. Our responsibility is to stand firm, steadfastly promoting righteousness while departing from evil.

Most are familiar with Proverbs 3: 5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart…,” but many are not as familiar with the verse which was penned directly after those words we love to cling to. Verse seven gives us related direction which mustn’t be ignored: “Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.

God talks about Light and darkness; man likes to talk about gray areas. Search for clarity regarding good and evil according to the Word of God, then have the courage to stand and walk in that Light! (One more important aspect of this continues after the Decency Minute scripts.)

 The F-Bomb!

There is one stark, dirty word that should never be tolerated, yet it has become increasingly embraced by far too many. Many of you know what I am talking about. Likely, you have heard it as never before: in the street, on the air, in mixed companies, by men and, yes, by women and increasingly by our youth: teenagers. The acceleration in the use of this word should be anathema to us and should not be tolerated. It is a blight upon our land. And, because so many “like sheep have gone astray,” the stupefied followers follow and America slides downward. I am referencing the F-bomb!

Hear something. Do Something. If you hear someone uttering the F-word, take a moment to pray for God’s wisdom in how you speak to that person, but speak kindly and caringly. If you get a sense that God would have you speak your concern, then do it!


Victims: Parents and Children

 To whom do your children belong? If you live in California, Governor Newsom thinks they belong to the state.  A new law, signed by Newson, prohibits schools from sharing information with parents about their child’s gender identity.

This was the last straw for Elon Musk who vowed to pull his company from California in response to this law that requires schools to lie to parents.  Musk revealed he personally knows the devastation caused by such transgender insanity, having been tricked into allowing one of his sons to take puberty blockers.  Musk stated, “It’s really child mutilation and sterilization. It’s evil.  So, I vowed to destroy the woke mind virus after that.”

 We, too, must strive to defeat this evil – fighting for the thousands of kids like the son of Elon Musk who are being victimized and used as pawns to advance a depraved ideology.


Pray for Donald J. Trump

The attempted assassination of former President Trump has only served to either lionize him, raising him to a bloodied, undefeatable hero figure, or has made it seem acceptable to put him in the crosshairs as a detestable, hated figure that MUST be stopped at ANY cost.

With the Left and their media lapdogs labeling Trump as “Hitler” and knowing the many assassination attempts made on him, there’s little doubt that future attempts will be made on Trump’s life.

 We urge you to pray for Donald J. Trump, not for his victory over the Democrat Party’s nominee, but rather, for his physical AND spiritual safety, that he will become a sincere believer in the atoning work of Jesus Christ for his own sins. Pray that his views on life and sexuality will match Biblical standards. Lastly, pray for America, that we won’t be at war with ourselves, regardless who wins.

To stand firm and boldly does not mean to be harsh; we must stand in love, showing compassion to our fellow man. After all, we stand first for God, but it is also because we love our neighbor as ourselves. Puritan author Joseph Hall explains this well:

A Christian in all his ways must have three guides: truth, charity, wisdom – truth to go before him; charity and wisdom on either hand. If any of the three be absent, he walks amiss. I have seen some do hurt by following a truth uncharitably; and others, while they would salve up an error with love, have failed in their wisdom and offended against justice. A charitable untruth and an uncharitable truth, an unwise managing of truth or love are all to be carefully avoided of him that would go with a right foot in the narrow way.

In years gone by, the church, in general, was accused of holding to “an uncharitable truth,” much to our shame. Today, the church, in general, in an effort to “salve up an error with love,” has fallen into the error of upholding “a charitable untruth.” Let us, by God’s mercy and grace, steadfastly stand on truth, showing charity to all as we do so. Christ was full of grace and truth; let us follow His example.



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