3 in 3 for 6-7-24

By: Steve Huston

As I arrange these Decency Minute scripts, narrated by Bill Johnson, for this week’s Three In Three, I can’t help but think of the sacrifice made by those brave young men who stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1944 – eighty years ago yesterday. With immense gratitude and somber reflection of the past, while looking around me today, I feel sucker-punched: we are becoming – if we haven’t already become – what they so valiantly and unselfishly fought against.

As Bill Federer’s American Minute so aptly describes one of the many aspects that describe what we are well on the road to, who can’t help but see a degree of reflection of our own government and its mainstream media mouthpiece:

Goebbels, pioneered the use of fake news to sway public opinion so that the entire nation accepted the lies of the deep-state:

 “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it …

 The truth is the greatest enemy of the state.”

As you read or listen to these Three In Three scripts, I urge you to think of the immeasurable sacrifice these men made and, more importantly, the words of Deuteronomy 4:9. “Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life: but teach them thy sons, and thy sons’ sons.

“No one is above the law”

Just days ago, Biden told us “No one is above the law.” Of course, he was talking about Trump, not the millions of unvetted illegal aliens he’s purposefully allowing to break the law by their very entry.

Yet, last week Joe Biden put on a show of supposedly taking action against illegal immigration. His executive order doesn’t close the border, it only limits illegal entries to 2,500 a day – that’s still 75,000 a month!

 However, in the ultimate sleight-of-hand, at the same time it was discovered that Biden has secretly granted mass amnesty to over 350,000 illegals, allowing them to roam the country without fear of deportation and no requirement to report to ICE.

It’s tempting to despair at the wickedness taking place around us. Yet, Psalm 37 instructs us to “fret not.” God will judge evildoers. We’re called to trust in the Lord and do good.


Wolves as Sheepdogs?

Former Lt.  Col. David Grossman famously classified society into three separate categories.

Wolves are the violent who prey on the non-violent citizens, represented as sheep, and the sheepdogs are those who use violence in defense of the sheep.

Grossman is also famous for pointing out violent video games’ potential for desensitizing their users to violence in the real world.

His concern about violent video games becomes all the more concerning when a game like Call of Duty honors so-called “Pride Month” by allowing users to paint their virtual weapons or ammo in the pattern of the trans flag.

Meanwhile, the Navy Special Warfare Command, which houses the Navy Seals, is posting to social media in solidarity with the “Pride” movement.

Taking all of this into consideration, as well as the instances of violence from trans people in the last few years, we have to ask: are we training wolves as sheepdogs?

To read a full article on this point click here.


The path back home

Where did our nation’s downfall begin? Many voices are quick to give differing opinions. Personally, some may ask, “where did my relationship go wrong?” “Why does the church lack power today? When did it stop turning the world upside down?”

Whether talking about national troubles or personal woes, C. S. Lewis wisely advised, “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

This starts with an evaluation of where we are; then taking corrective measures that will lead to the desired outcome; and finally, we must intentionally and faithfully implement that course of action. In other words, we must do as David did in Psalm 119: 59-60.

I thought on my ways (that’s evaluation), and turned my feet unto thy testimonies (here’s corrective action). I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments (that’s intentional and faithful implementation).”

In closing, I think it fitting to thank God for those who have sacrificed for our national and spiritual good. Then, ask the Lord to help us keep our soul diligently and to pass God’s Word, our historical, national blessings, and the remembrance of sacrifices made on to our children. And, as Chris Johnson’s email from yesterday reminded us, pray with all sincerity for the Lord to turn us to repentance that He might revive us again.


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