3 in 3 for 5-17-24

By: Steve Huston

Do you ever struggle with anger? If you’re like me, while reading this week’s Decency Minutes (or listening to Bill Johnson narrate them), one might “get their hackles up.” Whether it’s political misdoings and illegality, or the planned and horrific abuse of children, or the slaughtering of innocent babes within the womb and attacking those who stand for them, or any number of things that are sinful and shamelessly flaunted in our nation, we may find anger to be one of the many directions our heart may lead us. Is it a righteous anger or is it carnal? Sometimes, it may be hard for us to objectively discern which we are experiencing. Ezekiel Culverwell gives us some advice in this matter: “Whether our anger be carnal or spiritual may be thus discerned: if it hinder not but quicken our holy exercise of prayer and other religious duties; if it interrupt not our meditations nor withdraw us from performing our duty to the party offended, neither make us peevish to others, it’s spiritual, not carnal.

Even spiritual anger must be tightly reined, as John Trapp warns: “Anger is a tender virtue and such as by reason of our unskillfulness may be easily corrupted and made dangerous. He that in his anger would not sin must not be angry at anything but sin.

In so doing, William Jenkyn gives us invaluable advice: “Anger should not be destroyed, but sanctified. Be angry with the tempter, the devil, who stirs up thy brother to wrong thee, and be not like the furious dog who bites the stone thrown and meddles not with the hand that threw it. The man is to be pitied. Satan threw this stone at thee; he instigated thy brother’s passion.

As we consider the following news which is sad, troubling, and rightly stirs our passions, let us remember that unregenerate men are simply pawns in the schemes of Satan. Pity them and pray for them lest they go into eternity without the saving and sanctifying grace of God. Take whatever opportunity arises to show the love of Christ to them, warning them that without repentance and the blood of Jesus, Hell will be their lot for all eternity.

Invasion at the polls?

Election integrity and an extremely porous southern border are immense dangers we’re facing and they have a direct and disturbing tie.

One example is the Resource Center Matamoros (RCM), a group that helps illegal aliens enter the United States and has financial ties to George Soros. They’re allegedly producing flyers that are being distributed along the U.S. – Mexican border. A translation of these flyers disturbingly reads: “Remember to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open. All for Biden.

Another example for Biden’s “New Americans” includes our federal laws which are full of alien voter loopholes. One states that if the alien reasonably believed that they were a citizen of the United States, there would be no penalty.

It’s vital that we shore up our elections, our laws, and our borders!

These are terribly concerning issues regarding election integrity and we need the Lord’s help in bringing these things to light and putting a stop to them. Let us be in prayer; He alone is our only hope!


Surrogacy and Sinfulness

The bond between mother and child is God’s marvelous design.  Yet untold numbers of babies are purposefully being robbed of that vital bond.

Surrogacy turns babies into commodities, created for the purpose of being bought and sold.  Male homosexuals are often those buying babies through surrogacy.

With adoption, background checks are required to protect the baby’s welfare. However, with surrogacy there’s no oversight.  Anyone can hire a surrogate to carry a baby and hand it over to the buyer – no questions asked.  There’s no way of knowing how many babies have been created for the purpose of being horrifically abused and no one is ever the wiser.

Our culture says any grouping can be a family.  However, God is the author of family and His design is what’s best for children.  A nation that continues to taunt God’s authority is a nation deserving of His judgment.

Earlier this week, we published an article explaining some of the troubles surrounding this horrifying practice. We encourage you to read it here, pray for these little ones, and share the truth.


Lord, give those little ones justice

On May 14, several pro-life advocates who had previously been charged with violating the FACE Act by barricading themselves in an abortuary and restricting access to the murders planned for that day, received their sentence. Lauren Handy, unless her appeals change the sentence, will spend almost five years in prison.

John Hinshaw, a 69-year-old who protested the abortion clinic with Handy, will spend almost two years in prison. He said this to the courtroom at his hearing: “My granddaughter was born at 32 weeks gestation. How is it that my granddaughter is a treasure, and the others are trash?”

These same protestors found the bodies of five infants in the trash outside the abortion clinic, showing evidence of late or partial birth abortion, or perhaps even of being left to die after birth – an illegal practice which that particular abortion doctor admitted to on video.

Lord, give those little ones justice.

Earlier this week, we published an article which closes: “Pray for Lauren Handy, John Hinshaw, and their fellow defendants as they continue to appeal for justice, but most of all, pray that the Lord would hasten justice for those little ones and end the practice of abortion in this country.” Read it here, share it with others, and pray.

While we are warned to not let the sun go down upon our wrath, thereby showing that there is a place for anger, let us remember that there are many more times we are called to watch and pray, to be sober and vigilant, and to reprove, rebuke, and exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

When those times of righteous anger necessarily come upon us, let us take to heart the words of William Secker: “Anger should not be a burning coal from Satan’s furnace, but a blazing coal from God’s altar. It should resemble fire in straw, which is as easily quenched as suddenly kindled. He who would be angry and not sin must be angry at nothing but sin. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath, neither give place to the devil. He that carries passions to bed with him will find the devil creep between the sheets.


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